killR <- function(minutes = 25, path = "d:/RCompile/CRANpkg/make/ps"){ owd <- setwd(path) on.exit(setwd(owd)) files <- list.files(path) if(!length(files)) return("Nothing to do.") temp <- strsplit(files, "_") pids <- sapply(temp, "[", 1) pkg <- sapply(temp, "[", 3) temp <- strptime(sapply(temp, "[", 2), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") temp <- difftime(Sys.time(), temp, units = "mins") temp <- which(temp > minutes) if(!length(temp)) return("R is running in its limits, nothing to do.") for(i in temp){ file.remove(files[i]) system(paste("dc killchildren", pids[i])) } filename <- tempfile() writeLines(pkg[temp], con = filename) shell(paste("blat", filename, "-to -subject PSkilled -f"), intern = TRUE) } killR(25)