set targetname=R-3.6.2 set filename=%targetname% set name=R32 set version=3.6 set Path=.;d:\Compiler\gcc-4.9.3\mingw_32\bin;d:\compiler\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;D:\compiler\texmf\miktex\bin;D:\compiler\texmf\miktex\bin\x64;d:\compiler\perl-basic\bin set R_INSTALL_TAR=tar.exe set CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning set TAR_OPTIONS=--no-same-owner --no-same-permissions set R_LIBS= set LANGUAGE=en d: cd \Rcompile\recent rm R-latest.tar.gz wget tar xfz %filename%.tar.gz xxcopy %filename% %name% /CLONE /YY copy /Y d:\RCompile\r-compiling\MkRules.dist-%version%new d:\RCompile\recent\%name%\src\gnuwin32\MkRules.local xxcopy d:\RCompile\r-compiling\bitmap d:\Rcompile\recent\%name%\src\gnuwin32\bitmap /Q1 /Q2 /Q3 /BU xxcopy d:\RCompile\r-compiling\tcl86 .\%name%\tcl /Q1 /Q2 /Q3 /BU rem ######## make it! set Path=%PATH%;d:\Rcompile\recent\%name%\bin cd %name%\src\gnuwin32 make -j8 all make cairodevices rem ### recommended packages ... make -j8 recommended rem ## fix permissions cd \Rcompile\recent cacls %name% /T /E /G VORDEFINIERT\Benutzer:R > NUL cd \Rcompile\recent\%name%\src\gnuwin32 mkdir c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Rdevelcompile rem make check-all > check2a.log 2>&1 copy /y check2a.log c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Rdevelcompile\ rem ######################## rem # finished 32-bit rem ######################## set name=R64 set Path=.;d:\Compiler\gcc-4.9.3\mingw_64\bin;d:\compiler\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;D:\compiler\texmf\miktex\bin;d:\compiler\perl-basic\bin d: cd \Rcompile\recent xxcopy %filename% %name% /CLONE /YY copy /Y d:\RCompile\r-compiling\MkRules.dist64-%version%new d:\RCompile\recent\%name%\src\gnuwin32\MkRules.local xxcopy d:\RCompile\r-compiling\bitmap d:\Rcompile\recent\%name%\src\gnuwin32\bitmap /Q1 /Q2 /Q3 /BU xxcopy d:\RCompile\r-compiling\Tcl86_64 .\%name%\tcl /Q1 /Q2 /Q3 /BU rem ######## make it! set Path=%PATH%;d:\Rcompile\recent\%name%\bin cd %name%\src\gnuwin32 make -j8 all make cairodevices rem ### recommended packages ... make -j8 recommended make vignettes make manuals cd installer make imagedir make fixups make 32bit rm -rf d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname% mv %filename% d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname% sed -i -r 's/^BINPREF.\?.*/BINPREF=d:\/Compiler\/gcc-4.9.3\/mingw_64\/bin\//' d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/x64/Makeconf sed -i -r 's/^BINPREF.\?.*/BINPREF=d:\/Compiler\/gcc-4.9.3\/mingw_32\/bin\//' d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/i386/Makeconf sed -i -r "s/^CXX14 *= */CXX14 = $(BINPREF)g++ $(M_ARCH) /" d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/x64/Makeconf sed -i -r "s/^CXX14 *= */CXX14 = $(BINPREF)g++ $(M_ARCH) /" d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/i386/Makeconf sed -i -r "s/^CXX14FLAGS *= */CXX14FLAGS = -O2 -Wall $(DEBUGFLAG) -mtune=core2 /" d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/x64/Makeconf sed -i -r "s/^CXX14FLAGS *= */CXX14FLAGS = -O2 -Wall $(DEBUGFLAG) -mtune=core2 /" d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/i386/Makeconf sed -i -r "s/^CXX14STD *= */CXX14STD = -std=gnu++14 /" d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/x64/Makeconf sed -i -r "s/^CXX14STD *= */CXX14STD = -std=gnu++14 /" d:/RCompile/recent/%targetname%/etc/i386/Makeconf cd .. make rinstaller make crandir copy /Y d:\RCompile\r-compiling\Makevars.site32new d:\RCompile\recent\%targetname%\etc\i386\ copy /Y d:\RCompile\r-compiling\Renviron.site32new d:\RCompile\recent\%targetname%\etc\i386\ copy /Y d:\RCompile\r-compiling\Makevars.site64new d:\RCompile\recent\%targetname%\etc\x64\ copy /Y d:\RCompile\r-compiling\Renviron.site64new d:\RCompile\recent\%targetname%\etc\x64\ rem ## fix permissions of library and update library cd d:\Rcompile\CRANpkg\lib\%version% FOR %%a IN (KernSmooth base cluster grDevices lattice nlme spatial stats4 tools MASS boot datasets graphics methods nnet splines survival utils class foreign grid mgcv rpart stats tcltk codetools compiler Matrix parallel) DO SubInACL /subdirectories %%a\*.* /setowner=fb05\ligges /grant=fb05\ligges=F > NUL FOR %%a IN (KernSmooth base cluster grDevices lattice nlme spatial stats4 tools MASS boot datasets graphics methods nnet splines survival utils class foreign grid mgcv rpart stats tcltk codetools compiler Matrix parallel) DO rm -r -f %%a rem ### manuell: rem FOR %a IN (KernSmooth base cluster grDevices lattice nlme spatial stats4 tools MASS boot datasets graphics methods nnet splines survival utils class foreign grid mgcv rpart stats tcltk codetools compiler Matrix parallel) DO SubInACL /subdirectories %a\*.* /setowner=fb05\ligges /grant=fb05\ligges=F > NUL rem FOR %a IN (KernSmooth base cluster grDevices lattice nlme spatial stats4 tools MASS boot datasets graphics methods nnet splines survival utils class foreign grid mgcv rpart stats tcltk codetools compiler Matrix parallel) DO rm -r -f %a mkdir d:\RCompile\CRANpkg\check\%version% copy /y d:\Rcompile\recent\%name%\VERSION d:\RCompile\CRANpkg\check\%version% xxcopy d:\Rcompile\recent\%targetname%\library d:\RCompile\CRANpkg\lib\%version% /Q1 /Q2 /Q3 /BU rem ## fix permissions of R cd \Rcompile\recent cacls %targetname% /T /E /G VORDEFINIERT\Benutzer:R > NUL cd \Rcompile\recent\%name%\src\gnuwin32 make check-all > check2.log 2>&1 copy /y check2.log c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Rdevelcompile\ copy /y d:\RCompile\recent\compile2.log c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Rdevelcompile\ blat d:\Rcompile\recent\blat.txt -to -subject "R-compile2" rem ######################## rem # finished! rem ########################