#!/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/subversion/bin export PATH if [ -z "${CONF}" ]; then CONF="$1" fi if [ -z "${CONF}" ]; then CONF=conf fi if [ ! -e "${CONF}" ]; then echo "** ERROR: cannot find configuration file ${CONF}" exit 1 fi . "${CONF}" if [ -z "${VER}" ]; then echo "** ERROR: configuration file doesn't contain necessary settings" exit 1 fi echo "" echo " Target path: ${RRPATH}" echo " - R ${VERFULL}, GUI ${GUIVER} (${GUISVN})" echo "" if [ ! -e "${RRPATH}/R-${VER}-mini/Packages/R-Framework.pkg" ]; then echo "** ERROR: the build seems to be invomplete. Please run build first." exit 1 fi if [ -z "${MINIONLY}" ]; then echo " - Creating R-${VER}.dmg .." rm -f /tmp/template.sparseimage echo " - mount template image" bzip2 -d -c "${BASE}/template.sparseimage.bz2" > /tmp/template.sparseimage hdiutil mount /tmp/template.sparseimage > /dev/null echo " - copy contents" rsync -a "${RRPATH}/R-${VER}/" --exclude .DS_Store /Volumes/template echo " - rename to R-${VER}" diskutil rename /Volumes/template R-${VER} > /dev/null WD=`pwd` cd /Volumes/R-${VER} /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V bg.jpg cd "${WD}" hdiutil unmount /Volumes/R-${VER} > /dev/null echo " - compress final image" rm -f "${RRPATH}/R-${VER}.dmg" hdiutil create -srcdevice /tmp/template.sparseimage "${RRPATH}/R-${VER}.dmg" > /dev/null fi echo " - Creating R-${VER}-mini.dmg .." rm -f /tmp/template.sparseimage echo " - mount template image" bzip2 -d -c "${BASE}/template.sparseimage.bz2" > /tmp/template.sparseimage hdiutil mount /tmp/template.sparseimage > /dev/null echo " - copy contents" rsync -a "${RRPATH}/R-${VER}-mini/" --exclude .DS_Store /Volumes/template echo " - rename to R-${VER}-mini" diskutil rename /Volumes/template R-${VER}-mini > /dev/null WD=`pwd` cd /Volumes/R-${VER}-mini /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V bg.jpg cd "${WD}" hdiutil unmount /Volumes/R-${VER}-mini > /dev/null echo " - compress final image" rm -f "${RRPATH}/R-${VER}-mini.dmg" hdiutil create -srcdevice /tmp/template.sparseimage "${RRPATH}/R-${VER}-mini.dmg" > /dev/null echo "Done."