<- function(subject = "", address = "the relevant mailing list", body = character(), filename = "") { if(missing(address)) stop("must specify 'address'") if(!nzchar(subject)) stop("'subject' is missing") cat(body, file = filename, sep = "\n") cmdargs <- paste("-s", shQuote(subject), "-b", shQuote(address), "<", filename, "2>/dev/null") status <- 1L cat("Sending email", address, "\n") status <- system(paste("mailx", cmdargs), , TRUE, TRUE) if(status == 0L) unlink(filename) else { cat("Sending email failed!\n") cat("The unsent", description, "can be found in file", sQuote(filename), "\n") } invisible() } pkgs <- scan("","") DoseFinding ICSNP MixSim OpenCL QCA SDMTools SpatialTools TSP VPdtw arules bdsmatrix colorspace coxphf coxphw extracat fields flashClust gcmr jointDiag lfe magnets mcmc parser proxy sp treethesh for(pkg in pkgs) { addr <- maintainer(pkg) pat <- "^.*<(.*)>$" if(grepl(pat, addr)) addr <- gsub(pat, "\\1", addr) = paste("Unconditional use of Suggest-ed packages in CRAN package", pkg), address = addr, body = readLines("report37")) }