source("../stoplist.R") ## gfortran gcc <- c("glasso", "glmnet") ## C++ linkage gcc <- c(gcc, "RProtoBuf", "V8", "magick", "rgdal", "sf") gcc <- c(gcc, "Rcpp") # packages LinkingTo it automatically use gcc ## compile stan models gcc <- c(gcc, "BANOVA", "prophet") gcc <- c(gcc, "BayesFM", # CC gives compilation error "DMMF", # f95 gives a compilation error "LibOPF", "PhyloMeasures", # CC gives compilation error "QCA", # segfaults with cc "RandomFields", "RandomFieldsUtils", "RGtk2", # OpenCSW headers "RcppSimdJson", # needs C++17 "Rrdrand", # segfaults "RcppParallel", # stated requirement "bayesSurv", "smoothSurv", # Scythe issues "bigalgebra", # munmap in BH "dbarts", "deSolve", # installs with CC but changes results "duckdb", "float", # linked to by rsparse which uses gcc "freetypeharfbuzz", # Error: Narrowing conversion "fs", "gwsem", # ropey C++ "jqr", # syntax error in libjq C header "libgeos", # does not compile with CC "libproj", "lmSubsets", # does not compile with CC "ribiosUtils", "rgeos", # compiles with CC but does not work "rzmq", # configure fails, no explanation "sass", "seqminer", # nunmap "stringi", # fewer issues, e.g. in quanteda "subprocess", # does not compile with CC "symengine", # ditto "tgstat", "tidyr", "vroom", ## cpp11 "tuneR", # inline gcc-style asm in C "xgboost" ) stoplist <- c(stoplist, "beadplexr", "cyanoFilter", "flowDiv") # RProtoBufLib woes Sys.setenv("OPENSSL_INCLUDES" = "/opt/csw/include", CURL_INCLUDES = "/opt/csw/include", "V8_INCLUDES" = "/opt/csw/include") av <- function() { ## setRepositories(ind = 1) # CRAN options(available_packages_filters = c("R_version", "OS_type", "CRAN", "duplicates")) av <- available.packages(contriburl = CRAN)[, c("Package", "Version", "Repository")] av <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) path <- with(av, paste0(Repository, "/", Package, "_", Version, ".tar.gz")) av$Repository <- NULL av$Path <- sub(".*contrib/", "../contrib/", path) av$mtime <-$Path)$mtime names(av) <- c("name", "Version", "path", "mtime") av[order(av$name), ] }