SOURCES=${shell ls *.log} OUTS=$(SOURCES:.log=.out) .SUFFICES: .SUFFICES: .in .out .PHONY: clean #RDEV=/home/ripley/R/cc/bin/R #RLIBS=/home/ripley/R/Lib32 #BACKUP=../tests32-keep RDEV=/home/ripley/R/cc-devel/bin/R RLIBS=/home/ripley/R/Lib32-dev BACKUP=../tests-devel-keep R_OPTS = --check-subdirs=yes-maybe --no-stop-on-test-error ## runs multicore spikeSlabGAM-OPTS = --no-vignettes R2OpenBUGS-OPTS = --no-tests patchDVI-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## OpenMP hangs sme-OPTS = --no-examples --no-tests --no-vignettes ## examples hang distrom-OPTS = --no-examples clifro-OPTS = --no-tests RCurl-OPTS = --no-examples ## hit CPU limit BIEN-OPTS = --no-tests --no-vignettes Mega2R-OPTS = --no-vignettes ivmte-OPTS = --no-vignettes hetGP-OPTS = --no-vignettes laGP-OPTS = --no-vignettes lokern-OPTS = --no-tests morse-OPTS = --no-vignettes onemap-OPTS = --no-vignettes ordinalgmifs-OPTS = --no-vignettes sommer-OPTS = --no-vignettes tgp-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## needs R2BayesX gamboostLSS-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## slow/broken web access BACA-OPTS = --no-vignettes DLMtool-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes DSPRqtl-OPTS = --no-vignettes EfficientMaxEigenpair-OPTS = --no-vignettes GPareto-OPTS = --no-vignettes GiANT-OPTS = --no-vignettes MSIseq-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes NCBI2R-OPTS = --no-examples NMF-OPTS = --no-vignettes PAGI-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes PLmixed-OPTS = --no-vignettes RNCEP-OPTS = --no-examples SCGLR-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes SNPtools-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes TSgetSymbol-OPTS = --no-examples --no-vignettes STAR-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes TriMatch-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes TSjson-OPTS = --no-examples --no-tests easyPubMed-OPTS = --no-examples mcmc-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes phylosim-OPTS = --no-vignettes amei-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes amen-OPTS = --no-vignettes babel-OPTS = --no-vignettes crmPack-OPTS = --no-vignettes ctmm-OPTS = --no-vignettes #dismo-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes knockoff-OPTS = --no-vignettes mcemGLM-OPTS = --no-vignettes metaMA-OPTS = --no-vignettes metaRNASeq-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes lfe-OPTS = --no-vignettes ndtv-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes argparse-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes prophet-OPTS = --no-tests ## needs pari/gp elliptic-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## tries to use RMySQL vegdata-OPTS = --no-vignettes TSdata-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## problems with using snow DSL-OPTS = --no-build-vignettes ## more BioC packages opm-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## needs ipython nbconvertR-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## Fake installs ROracle-OPTS = --install=fake ## microbenchmark woes Kmisc-OPTS = --no-vignettes mvnfast-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## needs pandoc Gmisc-OPTS = --no-tests ## needs exiftool camtrapR-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## needs API key fitbitScraper-OPTS = --no-vignettes domino-OPTS = --no-tests ## needs rst2pdf argparse-OPTS = --no-vignettes optparse-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## very unreliable ccaPP-OPTS = --no-vignettes recosystem-OPTS = --no-vignettes strataG-OPTS = --no-vignettes future-OPTS = --no-tests future.BatchJobs-OPTS = --no-tests ## installs in main lib parlitools-OPTS = --no-vignettes SUMMER-OPTS = --no-vignettes ## leave processes running doFuture-OPTS = --no-tests future.apply-OPTS = --no-tests %.out: %.log @echo $* ... @rm -rf /tmp/RL-$*; mkdir /tmp/RL-$*; -+@R_LIBS="$(RL):$(RLIBS)" MAKE=make MAKEFLAGS= time $(RDEV) CMD check $* $(R_OPTS) -l $(RLIBS) --install=check:$*.log $($*-OPTS) > $@ 2>&1 @rm -rf /tmp/RL-$* @echo ... $* done check: $(OUTS) install: @$(RDEV) --slave -f swift.R installn: @$(RDEV) --slave -f swift-parallel.R backup: @mkdir -p $(BACKUP) @cp -p Makefile script pkgdiff common.R swift*.R *.log *.out $(BACKUP) package: summary timings @chmod 644 */DESCRIPTION @for f in *.out; do \ cp `basename $$f .out`/DESCRIPTION `basename $$f .out`.Rcheck/00package.dcf; \ done @gtar cf Solx86.tar *.Rcheck/00check.log @gtar rf Solx86.tar *.Rcheck/00install.out @gtar rf Solx86.tar *.Rcheck/00package.dcf @xz -f Solx86.tar @scp -q Solx86.tar.xz gannet:/data/gannet/Rlogs summary: @Rscript ../summary.R @scp -pq check.csv gannet:/data/gannet/Rlogs/Solx86-check.csv timings: @Rscript ../check_times.R @scp -pq gannet:/data/gannet/Rlogs/ clean0: find [A-Z]* -type d -exec rm -rf {} \; find [a-z]* -type d -exec rm -rf {} \; veryclean: clean0 rm -f *.out *.log rm-recommended: rm -rf KernSmooth.* MASS.* Matrix.log Matrix.out class.* \ boot.log boot.out cluster.log cluster.out \ codetools.* foreign.* lattice.* mgcv.* nlme.* nnet.* \ rpart.log rpart.out spatial.log spatial.out survival.* cp-recommended: (cd ../tests32-keep; cp -p KernSmooth.out MASS.out Matrix.out \ boot.out class.out cluster.out \ codetools.out foreign.out lattice.out mgcv.out nlme.out nnet.out \ rpart.out spatial.out survival.out \ KernSmooth.log MASS.log Matrix.log \ boot.log class.log cluster.log \ codetools.log foreign.log lattice.log mgcv.log nlme.log nnet.log \ rpart.log spatial.log survival.log \ ../tests32)