External software

This software is compiled using the recommended toolchain for R 2.14.2 and later. The files are under goodies/multilib directory.

This includes a `local' tree as local320.zip which can be unpacked and pointed to by the LOCAL_SOFT macro in file src/gnuwin32/MkRules.local when building from sources, or in the etc/{i386,x64}/Makeconf files in a binary distribution. This contains headers and static libraries for bzip2 (1.0.6) fftw3 (3.3.4), gmp (6.0.0), gsl (1.16), jpeg (9a), libiconv (1.14) libpng (1.6.14) libsndfile (1.0.25), libxml2 (2.9.2), libz (1.2.8), mpfr (3.1.2), pcre (8.36), sprng (2.0b), tiff (4.0.3) and xz (5.0.7).

Further software is packaged as spatial320.zip and can be unpacked in the same place: expat (2.1.0), gdal (1.11.0), geos (3.4.2), netcdf (4.3.2, for use with RNetCDF and ncdf, not ncdf4), proj (4.8.0), and udunits2 (2.1.24).

There are also binary versions of Clp (1.15.6), libcurl (7.39.0), glpk (4.47), QuantLib (1.4) and SYMPHONY (5.4.7) for use with packages clpAPI, pcaL1, RCurl, glpkAPI, sdcTable, RQuantLib and Rsymphony.

This bundling of libcurl can also be used with R-devel (R 3.2.0-to-be).

NB gdal and QuantLib have C++ interfaces; Clp and geos are used with C interfaces but contain C++ code. The C++ ABI changes a lot with versions of g++ and even the compiler options: these should be expected to work only with the version of GCC 4.6.x supplied in the recommended toolchain.

Sources are under the goodies/sources directory.