--- title: "R Can Use Your Help: Reviewing Bug Reports" author: "Tomas Kalibera, Luke Tierney" date: 2019-10-09 categories: ["External Contributions"] tags: ["debugging", "bugs", "bugzilla"] ---

If you use R you may have wondered if there are ways you can contribute to making R better. This is the first in several posts on how you might help. This post is about helping to review and resolve bugs reported on the R bug tracker.

Urgent bug reports, in particular ones with simple reproducible examples, are generally resolved and closed quickly. But those that are not can sometimes languish for a long time. At the time of writing there were 579 open bug reports in the bug tracker. Some reflect issues that have already been resolved or no longer apply, some may be valid but are too hard to track down because of the complexity or lack of a reproducible example. Others reflect a misunderstanding of documented behavior that ideally should be communicated to the reporter.

To allow us to focus more of our resources on improving R and to also make the bug reporting process more responsive we could use your help with reviewing and handling reported bugs. If you would like to help, here are some of the things you can do:

There may be some bugs where you will need some knowledge of C programming to precisely identify the problem, but for most you will just need to work at the R level.

By helping with these things you will be contributing to R by making R more reliable and also releasing R core developer time for focusing more on new developments and improvements. You will also improve your R skills and learn more about how R works.