;;; ess-xls-d.el --- XLispStat customization for ESS. ;; Copyright (C) 1997 A. J. Rossini ;; Copyright (C) 1998--2004 A.J. Rossini, Richard M. Heiberger, Martin ;; Maechler, Kurt Hornik, Rodney Sparapani, and Stephen Eglen. ;; Author: A.J. Rossini ;; Created: 12 Jun 1997 ;; Maintainer: ESS-core ;; Keywords: statistics, languages ;; This file is part of ESS ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ;; http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ ;;; Commentary: ;; This file defines all the XLispStat customizations for ESS. See ;; ess-lsp-l.el for general Lisp modifications. ;;; Code: (autoload 'inferior-ess "ess-inf" "Run an ESS process.") ;;; Requires and Autoloads: (require 'ess-lsp-l) (defvar ess-help-XLS-sec-keys-alist '((?a . "Args:")) "Sparse online XLS help.") (defvar XLS-editing-alist Lisp-editing-alist) (defvar XLS-customize-alist '((ess-local-customize-alist . 'XLS-customize-alist) (ess-language . "XLS" ) (ess-dialect . "XLS" ) (ess-mode-editing-alist . XLS-editing-alist ) (ess-loop-timeout . ess-XLS-loop-timeout) (ess-object-name-db-file . "ess-xls-namedb.el" ) (ess-help-sec-regex . "^[A-Z. ---]+:$") (ess-help-sec-keys-alist . ess-help-XLS-sec-keys-alist) (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . "> ?" ) (inferior-ess-secondary-prompt . "^" ) (comint-use-prompt-regexp . t) (inferior-ess-program . inferior-XLS-program-name) (inferior-ess-help-command . "(help '%s)\n" ) (inferior-ess-objects-command . "(variables)\n" ) (inferior-ess-exit-command . "(exit)\n" ) ;;(inferior-ess-start-args . "")) (inferior-ess-start-file . nil)) "Variables to customize for XLS.") ;;; The functions of interest (mode, inferior mode) (defun XLS-mode (&optional proc-name) "Major mode for editing XLispStat source. NOT EVEN STARTED." (interactive) (setq ess-customize-alist XLS-customize-alist) (ess-mode XLS-customize-alist proc-name) (setq major-mode 'XLS-mode)) (fset 'xlispstat-mode 'XLS-mode) (defun XLS () "Call 'XLispStat', the Lisp statistical system from Luke Tierney." (interactive) (setq ess-customize-alist XLS-customize-alist) (ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (format "(XLS): ess-dialect=%s , buf=%s\n" ess-dialect (current-buffer))) (inferior-ess)) (defun xls-transcript-mode () "Does the right thing." (interactive) (ess-transcript-mode XLS-customize-alist)) (fset 'XLS-transcript-mode 'xls-transcript-mode) ; Provide package (provide 'ess-xls-d) ; Local variables section ;;; This file is automatically placed in Outline minor mode. ;;; The file is structured as follows: ;;; Chapters: ^L ; ;;; Sections: ;;*;; ;;; Subsections: ;;;*;;; ;;; Components: defuns, defvars, defconsts ;;; Random code beginning with a ;;;;* comment ;;; Local variables: ;;; mode: emacs-lisp ;;; outline-minor-mode: nil ;;; mode: outline-minor ;;; outline-regexp: "\^L\\|\\`;\\|;;\\*\\|;;;\\*\\|(def[cvu]\\|(setq\\|;;;;\\*" ;;; End: ;;; ess-xls-d.el ends here