;;; ess-lsp-l.el --- Support for editing Lisp source code ;; Copyright (C) 1997 A.J. Rossini. ;; Copyright (C) 1998--2004 A.J. Rossini, Richard M. Heiberger, Martin ;; Maechler, Kurt Hornik, Rodney Sparapani, and Stephen Eglen. ;; Author: A.J. Rossini ;; Created: 1 Sept 1997 ;; Maintainer: ESS-core ;; This file is part of ESS. ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ;; http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ ;;; Commentary: ;; Configurations for editing XLispStat source code. Contains any underlying ;; changes that need to be made. ;;; Code: ; Requires and autoloads ;; Contents "translated" from lisp-mode.el (require 'lisp-mode) ; Configuration variables (defvar Lisp-editing-alist '((paragraph-start . (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter)) (paragraph-separate . (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter)) (paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix . t) (fill-paragraph-function . 'lisp-fill-paragraph) (adaptive-fill-mode . nil) (indent-line-function . 'lisp-indent-line) (indent-region-function . 'lisp-indent-region) (require-final-newline . mode-require-final-newline) (comment-start . ";") (comment-start-skip . "\\(\\(^\\|[^\\\\\n]\\)\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*\\);+ *") (comment-column . 40) (comment-indent-function . 'lisp-comment-indent) (parse-sexp-ignore-comments . t) (ess-style . ess-default-style) (ess-local-process-name . nil) ;;(ess-keep-dump-files . 'ask) (ess-mode-syntax-table . lisp-mode-syntax-table) (font-lock-defaults . '(lisp-font-lock-keywords))) "General options for editing LispStat, XLispStat, and ViSta source files.") (provide 'ess-lsp-l) ; Local variables section ;;; This file is automatically placed in Outline minor mode. ;;; The file is structured as follows: ;;; Chapters: ^L ; ;;; Sections: ;;*;; ;;; Subsections: ;;;*;;; ;;; Components: defuns, defvars, defconsts ;;; Random code beginning with a ;;;;* comment ;;; Local variables: ;;; mode: emacs-lisp ;;; outline-minor-mode: nil ;;; mode: outline-minor ;;; outline-regexp: "\^L\\|\\`;\\|;;\\*\\|;;;\\*\\|(def[cvu]\\|(setq\\|;;;;\\*" ;;; End: ;;; ess-lsp-l.el ends here