\name{checkTriple} \title{Check Consistency of Conditional Independence for a Triple of Nodes} \usage{ "An Rd file exposing an ESS bug in (ess-next-code-line) : Jump to '\examples{' and the first code line (= all '##...') and use C-c C-n to send it to R. It works, *but* point does not advance to the next line; but rather jumps backward to the 50'percent' line. Adding a percent 'o/o' sign here ``fixes'' this bug (so I don't do it) " checkTriple(version.unf = c(NA, NA), maj.rule = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{version.unf}{ (integer) vector of length two: .............} \item{maj.rule}{logical indicating that the following majority rule is applied: if \code{b} is in less than 50\% of the checked sepsets, we say that \code{b} is in \bold{no} sepset. If \code{b} is in more than 50\% of the checked sepsets, we say that \code{b} is in \bold{all} sepsets. If \code{b} is in exactly 50\% of the checked sepsets, the triple is considered \sQuote{ambiguous}.} \item{verbose}{Logical asking for detailed output of intermediate steps.} } \description{ For each subset ......... } \references{ D. Colombo and M.H. Maathuis (2013). Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning, (arXiv:1211.3295v2). } \examples{ ################################################## ## Using Gaussian Data ################################################## ## Load predefined data data(gmG) n <- nrow(gmG8$x) p <- ncol(gmG8$x) ## define independence test (partial correlations), and test level indepTest <- gaussCItest alpha <- 0.01 ## define sufficient statistics suffStat <- list(C = cor(gmG8$x), n = n) ## estimate CPDAG pc.fit <- pc(suffStat, indepTest, p=p, alpha=alpha, verbose = TRUE) if (require(Rgraphviz)) { ## show estimated CPDAG par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(pc.fit, main = "Estimated CPDAG") plot(gmG8$g, main = "True DAG") } checkTriple(a = 6, b = 1, c = 8, nbrsA = c(1,5,7), nbrsC = c(1,5), sepsetA = pc.fit@sepset[[a]][[c]], sepsetC = pc.fit@sepset[[c]][[a]], suffStat=suffStat, indepTest=indepTest, alpha=alpha, version.unf = c(2,2), verbose = TRUE) } \keyword{manip}