Prof. Scott : Thank you again for the opportunity to revise this paper. We have spent time discussing the reviewers and AEs comments, and feel that we have put together a version that is acceptable. While we wish that we had the time available to spend on making this a more ambitious paper, it isn't clear that the cost would merit the gains. Therefore, we have focused on refining the current approach for the paper, and respectfully decline to take the potentially more useful and ambitious approaches. Addressing the points raised by the AE: 1. we have tried to clarify in the introduction that data analysis is programming, which was muddled in the prior version. 2. the parts on remote execution have been combined into a single section. 3. We have attempted to resolve and clarify issues raised with documentation. The AEs issue of documentation in general merits a second paper, which is in progress. 4. We have substantially removed the detailed and pointless discussion of major/minor modes, and have left the more general paragraph (with some editing to hopefully aid in presentation). 5. (Source code control/Ediff) 6. the Section 3 intro has been rewritten and moved to section 2. We think that putting ESS first has presentation advantages, and may keep the reader interested (whereas moving it later runs the risk of losing attention). So, Sections 2 and 3 (Emacs and ESS) have been switched. 7. Again, we've tried to address the nature of statistical data analysis coding as programming. 8. The section on interactive programming has been modified. 9. Changed as suggested by the AE. Addressing the points raised by Reviewer #1: We'd first like to thank reviewer #1 for extremely thoughtful reviews. If there was a solid benefit to taking the more ambitious options, we would definitely consider it. That, unfortunately, isn't clear at this stage in the process. There are not any particular bullet points to address, more general suggestions, but we feel that in both changing the paper after re-reviewing, as well as in addressing the similar concerns from the AE and Reviewer #2, that we have tried to satisfy the most pressing concerns raised. Addressing the points raised by Reviewer #2: 1. the discussions on remote and multiple processes have been unified. Source code control and ediff issues have been clarified with respect to usage. 2. We've tried to remove Emacs jargon when possible. In particular, the section on simplifying keymaps has been somewhat clarified. Again, we'd like to thank you for reviewing the article, and hope that in its present form, constitutes a work that is publishable by JCGS.