#ifndef CHM_COMMON_H #define CHM_COMMON_H #include "UFconfig/UFconfig.h" #include "CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod.h" #include "Mutils.h" typedef struct cholmod_common_struct *CHM_CM ; typedef struct cholmod_dense_struct *CHM_DN ; typedef struct cholmod_factor_struct *CHM_FR ; typedef struct cholmod_sparse_struct *CHM_SP ; typedef struct cholmod_triplet_struct *CHM_TR ; extern cholmod_common c; /* NOTE: Versions of these are *EXPORTED* via ../inst/include/Matrix.h * ---- and used e.g., in the lme4 package */ CHM_SP as_cholmod_sparse (CHM_SP ans, SEXP x); CHM_TR as_cholmod_triplet(CHM_TR ans, SEXP x); CHM_DN as_cholmod_dense (CHM_DN ans, SEXP x); CHM_DN as_cholmod_x_dense(CHM_DN ans, SEXP x); CHM_DN numeric_as_chm_dense(CHM_DN ans, double *v, int nr, int nc); CHM_FR as_cholmod_factor (CHM_FR ans, SEXP x); #define AS_CHM_DN(x) as_cholmod_dense ((CHM_DN)alloca(sizeof(cholmod_dense)), x ) #define AS_CHM_FR(x) as_cholmod_factor ((CHM_FR)alloca(sizeof(cholmod_factor)), x ) #define AS_CHM_SP(x) as_cholmod_sparse ((CHM_SP)alloca(sizeof(cholmod_sparse)), x ) #define AS_CHM_TR(x) as_cholmod_triplet((CHM_TR)alloca(sizeof(cholmod_triplet)), x ) #define N_AS_CHM_DN(x,nr,nc) M_numeric_as_chm_dense((CHM_DN)alloca(sizeof(cholmod_dense)), x , nr, nc ) int R_cholmod_start(CHM_CM Common); void R_cholmod_error(int status, char *file, int line, char *message); SEXP chm_factor_to_SEXP(CHM_FR f, int dofree); SEXP chm_sparse_to_SEXP(CHM_SP a, int dofree, int uploT, int Rkind, const char *diag, SEXP dn); SEXP chm_triplet_to_SEXP(CHM_TR a, int dofree, int uploT, int Rkind, const char* diag, SEXP dn); SEXP chm_dense_to_SEXP(CHM_DN a, int dofree, int Rkind, SEXP dn); /* int uploST, char *diag, SEXP dn); */ SEXP chm_dense_to_matrix(CHM_DN a, int dofree, SEXP dn); void chm_diagN2U(CHM_SP chx, int uploT, Rboolean do_realloc); SEXP CHMfactor_validate(SEXP obj); SEXP CHMsimpl_validate(SEXP obj); SEXP CHMsuper_validate(SEXP obj); #endif