********************* * * * 1.9 SERIES NEWS * * * ********************* CHANGES IN R (AQUA) VERSION 1.9.1 BUG FIXES o fixed the function "Check for R updates" that worked only on patches and not on full release changes. o fixed the clipping problem in the quartz device CHANGES IN R (AQUA) VERSION 1.9.0 NEW FEATURES o Dragging a file on the R icon, causes R to source the file or load the data into the workspace if the file is a RDX1/RDX2 R image file. At the moment there is no control over the file and the user is responsible of what is trying to load into R. o The user can select a startup working directory in the Preferences using the Misc tab. o The current working directory is now displayed on top of R Console window bar. o The refresh of the aqua console is now faster than before an buffering of R output is enabled by default even if the user can't set it. The preferences panel no longer contains the entries for setting the amount of the buffer size and the checkbox for enabling/disablig this option. o Dy default, the Aqua console now opens to the left-top of the screen unless differently set in the preferences file of the R.app. The last position of Console and its size are now saved in the preferences file when R quits and reused at R statup by default. The user can disable this functionality using the checkbox in the Text Windows pane of preferences window. o By default, the quartz device now opens to the top-right position on the screen. The user can override this setting choosing among five different solutions in the quartz device tab in the preferences window. o Console font: now the user can only choose among 5 different fixed width fonts. Fonts size and Tab size can now be choosen using the appropriate popup menu buttons in the preference window. o Edit and Help windows now opens at the right top position on the screen. They are also 80 chars-width sized to contain by default R man pages. o Resizing of the R Console Window changes the "width" option by default unless the user disables this functionality in the preference panel BUG FIXES o Mathematical symbols in plots are now displayed correctly under Jaguar (MacOSX 1.2.x) and Panther (MacOSX 10.3.x). Unicode encoding of the symbol font used under Panther is now translated correctly to work as a MacRoman encoded font. o The redefinition of the internal do_dataentry by both the aqua and X11 modules, casued a bus error when launching R without the --gui=aqua option under X11 using a version of R built to use the aqua module. This has now been fixed. (PR#6438) o The locator and identify process can now be interrupted by pressing the ESC key. Labels of the identified points now shows correctly and not just in the end of the identify process. Bell sound has been implemented as well. o The font colors are now set correctly in the input frame after preferences changes o The cpu usage was very high in previous releases of R (Aqua) due to idle timers implementation. Now removed with a new internal design to refresh the Aqua console. o Saving the content of a quartz graphics device and then resizing caused a crash (PR#1991). Now fixed. o Zooming in and out edit and helps windows did not adjust the scroll bars. Now fixed. o It has been fixed a problem that causes RAqua fail to called from the S/R-tcl Mode in Alpha X. INSTALLATION CHANGES o The defaults for configure for Darwin systems is --with-blas='-framework vecLib' --with-lapack --with-aqua that by default builds R as a framework and installs it in /Library/Frameworks as R.framework. Then, make install just installs the R.framework in /Library/Frameworks unless specified at configure time using the -enable-R-framework=[DIR] or using the --prefix flag at installation time.