================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or operating system versions. If you have information to contribute, please do so. If you happen to know how to fix a problem please send patches to the bug repository, too. New bugs are reported either through the web interface at r-bugs.r-project.org or via email to r-bugs@r-project.org. The bug.report() function can be used to automate parts of the procedure on many systems. Followups on older bugs can be done by including the string "(PR#999)" in the Subject of an email (change 999 to the actual reference number, of course!). ================================================= Directory: Accuracy * PR# 1228 * Subject: bug with var(rep(1e30, 3)) From: Emmanuel Paradis Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 13:03:31 +0100 ..needs a bit of work on src/main/cov.c * PR# 2894 * Subject: qbeta hang From: terra@gnome.org Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 22:43:59 +0200 (MET DST) ..R 1.7.1 incorporates the two suggestions of the 2nd followup: .. r = sqrt(-2 * log (a)) and ...(log1p(-a) + log (qq))... .. * PR# 5727 * Subject: Bug in pbinom? From: Volkmar Liebscher Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 11:18:12 +0100 ..(really on of the infamous border case problem of pbeta) * PR# 6196 * Subject: Accuracy: Correct sums in rowSums(), colSums() From: Nick.Efthymiou@Schwab.com Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 01:57:19 +0100 (CET) ..no requested patch against the current sources forthcoming. .. ..Seems unlikely to be worthwhile for rowSums and not sum! * PR# 6743 * Subject: Accuracy Bug 1228 From: "David Heiser" Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 19:23:35 -0700 ..This is really bug PR#1228 (in category 'Accuracy') * PR# 6772 * Subject: phyper accuracy and efficiency From: terra@gnome.org Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 18:06:08 +0200 (CEST) Directory: Add-ons * PR# 974 * Subject: Lattice: panel.superpose with ordered factor groups From: John Maindonald Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 11:08:51 +1000 (EST) ..The warning is standard S and R behaviour. ..Probably xyplot needs to avoid it (by unclassing?) ..Still there in lattice 0.3-0, 0.6-8 * PR# 1361 * Subject: Matrix identification bug From: hyu@stats.uwo.ca Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:19:46 +0100 (MET) ..seems to be about Matrix package, not solve * PR# 1662 * Subject: fisher.test FEXACT memory bug "should not occur" From: Martin Maechler Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 08:21:50 +0200 ..The supplementary (table of sum one) is fixed for 1.5.1. ..Detection code for the first problem has been added to 1.5.1 which will stop ..the crash, but the underlying cause is still open. * PR# 1729 * Subject: problem with qq( ) From: Jarno.Tuimala@Helsinki.Fi Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 10:37:10 +0200 (MET DST) ..A report on lattice * PR# 1972 * Subject: lattice install From: robert.king@newcastle.edu.au Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 04:55:41 +0200 (MET DST) ..Perhaps lattice should require(grid) and print a clearer message? * PR# 1974 * Subject: Rwave installation problem From: ld-temp-qt3i@pobox.com Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 09:27:36 +0200 (MET DST) ..Instead, this should use ISO C headers, namely * PR# 2173 * Subject: xlim in plot.survfit() [with a discussion on "..."] From: jerome@hivnet.ubc.ca Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 18:46:11 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 2322 * Subject: simplex From: george@lecompte.org Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 17:30:37 +0100 (MET) ..report on boot, I think (not mentioned, though) * PR# 2352 * Subject: avas: segmentation fault on empty args From: vograno@arbitrade.com Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:41:48 +0100 (MET) * PR# 2369 * Subject: convergence problem with nlme() From: jerome@hivnet.ubc.ca Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 23:43:14 +0100 (MET) * PR# 2374 * Subject: quantreg package - predict method for rq objects From: John Maindonald Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 20:46:34 +1100 (EST) * PR# 2386 * Subject: ace and avas in acepack From: Frank E Harrell Jr Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 12:59:07 -0500 * PR# 2480 * Subject: bug in CrossTable (package:gregmisc) From: John_Hendrickx@yahoo.com Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 13:51:01 +0100 (MET) * PR# 2499 * Subject: survival bug? From: Pius Korner Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:28:11 +0100 ..Needs to resubmit in more useful format. * PR# 2520 * Subject: Apparent parser problem From: "Jim Rogers" Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 16:51:41 -0500 ..Its an ESS or XEmacs problem. I redirected him to ESS-bugs. * PR# 2859 * Subject: bug and proposed fix in print.trellis 1.7.0 From: Rich Heiberger Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 01:56:30 -0400 ..Lattice * PR# 2865 * Subject: bug in y limits in bwplot From: Rich Heiberger Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 02:19:53 -0400 (EDT) * PR# 2933 * Subject: frailty models in survreg() -- survival package From: Jerome Asselin Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 15:36:23 -0700 * PR# 2934 * Subject: Re: frailty models in survreg() -- survival package From: Thomas Lumley Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 15:58:37 -0700 (PDT) * PR# 2986 * Subject: plot.ranef.lme From: Peter Dalgaard BSA Date: 12 May 2003 18:19:28 +0200 * PR# 3197 * Subject: split.AffyBatch From: johannes.freudenberg@imise.uni-leipzig.de Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 16:05:00 +0200 (MET DST) ..about BioConductor package affy * PR# 3198 * From: "Johannes Freudenberg" ..part of 3197 * PR# 3415 * Subject: Installing RSPerl From: nisai@lagrange.tampabaywater.org Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 21:28:21 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 3639 * Subject: Genetics package: Heterozygosity and PIC incorrect From: gerard.tromp@sanger.med.wayne.edu Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 00:02:58 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 3642 * Subject: R package {genetics} function summary.genotype -- H and PIC return incorrect values. From: "Gerard Tromp" Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:45:06 -0400 * PR# 3648 * Subject: hclust() and agnes() method="average" divergence From: "Grum, Mikkel [IPGRI-SSA-Nairobi]" Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2003 23:41:39 -0700 * PR# 3652 * Subject: Re: [Rd] R package {genetics} function summary.genotype -- H and From: Uwe Ligges Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 10:12:14 +0200 * PR# 4384 * Subject: wrong results in dist.binary (library ade4) From: c.duering@threads.de Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 22:48:23 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 4403 * Subject: misprint in Leaps $size From: paulluo@cs.cmu.edu Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 22:17:24 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 4688 * Subject: bug in fisher test---p-value cannot be Inf From: kjetil@entelnet.bo Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 14:17:42 -0400 * PR# 4724 * Subject: Core dump when calling tclvalue From: mckay@gmr.com Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 19:10:02 +0200 (MET DST) ..it would seem that we're just not failing gracefully * PR# 5315 * Subject: O2 optimization produces wrong code From: jean.coursol@math.u-psud.fr Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 15:51:21 +0100 (CET) ..report on akima ... known problem * PR# 5476 * Subject: memory leak From: schiessler@agere.com Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 06:01:57 +0100 (CET) ..report on R-Excel, it seems. * PR# 6005 * Subject: [R] lattice: levelplot: error: min not meaningful for factor From: Wolfram Fischer Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 17:29:49 +0100 ..Not documented to work, but intended to. * PR# 6701 * Subject: lookup.xport in foreign ignoring some datasets From: Svetlana Eden Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 15:45:18 -0600 ..SAS version*5* is probably not supported. * PR# 6819 * Subject: package fdim slopeopt error From: phddas@yahoo.com Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 00:23:42 +0200 (CEST) ..`Fred J.' claims that the maintainer's email address does not work. * PR# 6895 * Subject: foreign package: reading epiinfo From: giles.crane@doh.state.nj.us Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 19:30:34 +0200 (CEST) ..request for example file met no response * PR# 6904 * Subject: Failure to preserve package attribute when coercing S4 objects From: "Swinton, Jonathan" Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 15:04:10 +0100 * PR# 6978 * Subject: inheritance problem in multcomp package From: "Richard M. Heiberger" Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 21:35:50 -0400 * PR# 6989 * Subject: read.epiinfo makes field char part of variable name From: giles.crane@doh.state.nj.us Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 17:52:32 +0200 (CEST) ..part of foreign * PR# 7007 * Subject: lme4 fails to install on R-1.9/FreeBSD-5.2 From: wb@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:53:01 +0200 (CEST) Directory: Analyses * PR# 3325 * Subject: optim with constraints From: aa@tango.stat.unipd.it (Adelchi Azzalini) Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 17:51:19 +0200 (CEST) ..deep inside the L-BFGS-B code, but looks a badly scaled problem. * PR# 3666 * Subject: wilcox.test, CI From: d.a.wooff@durham.ac.uk Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 11:31:37 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 4757 * Subject: NLME: gls parameter evaluation inconsistency From: wb@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 14:52:26 +0200 (MET DST) ..It's a known problem. * PR# 5360 * Subject: ks.test From: pbtud@yahoo.com Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 18:43:23 +0100 (CET) ..Documentation issue * PR# 5461 * Subject: xtabs or model.frame From: Rich Heiberger From: "Francis Hsuan" Add To Address Book Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 01:20:08 -0500 (EST) Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 21:53:06 -0500 ..model.frame() fails on character input: should it coerce to factor? * PR# 6750 * Subject: Incorrect handling of NA's in cor() From: msa@biostat.mgh.harvard.edu Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 18:45:40 +0200 (CEST) ..matter of debate * PR# 6986 * Subject: Bug in FEXACT: gave negative key From: Francis Clark Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 20:00:31 +1000 (EST) ..From fisher.test! ..Probably just a poor error message * PR# 7037 * Subject: R crashes From: cornulier@cebc.cnrs.fr Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 22:06:27 +0200 (CEST) ..crash in cor, reproducible on Linux Directory: Documentation * PR# 988 * Subject: input for R-intro From: "Paul E. Johnson" Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 13:57:10 -0500 * PR# 1011 * Subject: R-intro suggestions part II From: "Paul E. Johnson" Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:50:06 -0500 * PR# 1772 * Subject: bug(?) in R FAQ - Should I run R from within Emacs? From: Tim.Harrold@csiro.au Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 18:21:42 +1000 * PR# 4982 * Subject: Suggestions to the man page From: Axel Noetzold Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 18:18:35 +0100 * PR# 5095 * Subject: documentation of "scope": possible error + cleanup From: htang@hpl.hp.com Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 00:00:17 +0100 (CET) ..Comments on R-lang * PR# 6424 * Subject: return() undocumented From: Scot@Wilcoxon.Org Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 16:12:16 +0100 (CET) ..He meant in R-lang Directory: Graphics * PR# 202 * Subject: persp box occlusion bug From: wsi@gcal.ac.uk Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 15:02:03 +0200 (MET DST) ..The persp algorithm does not apply the occlusion rules to the frame, ..which is always plotted first. ..A bug, but not very simple to fix. * PR# 660 * Subject: identify.default ignores any setting of cex. From: Prof Brian Ripley Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 10:23:39 +0100 (BST) * PR# 776 * Subject: strwidth does not take font into account From: Martyn Plummer Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 14:56:01 +0100 (CET) ..This needs a substantial redesign. * PR# 791 * Subject: par(lab= *) / axis(*) bug From: maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 10:59:26 +0100 * PR# 816 * Subject: dotplot: character size of labels From: RINNER Heinrich Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 14:54:32 +0100 ..Suggested fix is incorporated in 1.2.2. .. ..There is a deeper problem: mtext() ignores par(cex=.5) in general. ..To see the problem try: par(cex=.5); mtext("hi") ..Paul thinks the right fix is to change the argument list for mtext so that ..cex=par(cex) by default rather than cex=NA by default (plus corresponding ..internal changes to do_mtext in plot.c). ..This needs to be done very carefully because (i) the change suggested above ..mayhave side-effects in many other pieces of interpreted code ..(ii) do_mtext ignores dd->gp.cexbase unlike, for example, do_plot_xy ..and anything to do with cexbase needs extreme care. * PR# 831 * Subject: screen can't go back to (split) screen with log="y" plot From: Thomas Vogels Date: 30 Jan 2001 00:39:41 -0500 ..Still there. Suggested fix included in followups, but we didn't get around to ..try it in time for 1.2.3. .. ..Fix doesn't work. One problem is that the opar<-par();par(opar) idiom updates ..xaxp before xlog, and the new value of xaxp may only be valid under the new ..value of xlog. * PR# 837 * Subject: screen doesn't handle redrawing properly From: Thomas Vogels Date: 01 Feb 2001 14:20:52 -0500 * PR# 887 * Subject: axis(adj=anything) has no effect From: jhallman@frb.gov Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 20:51:05 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 943 * Subject: legend() with xpd=T; omission of initial plot character From: John Maindonald Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 10:35:16 +1000 * PR# 997 * Subject: las=1 with log axis From: Peter Dalgaard BSA Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 11:54:06 +0200 ..Paul in reply 1: I'm leaving this bug active until these other issues are ..resolved * PR# 1045 * Subject: Palette changes on redraw From: Peter Dalgaard BSA Date: 08 Aug 2001 19:08:01 +0200 * PR# 1147 * Subject: postscript problem From: kjetil halvorsen Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 15:23:45 -0400 ..This seems to be a problem with screen/layout rather than postscript. * PR# 1161 * Subject: x-axis label in persp() From: Rolf Turner Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 18:07:22 +0800 (WST) * PR# 1235 * Subject: Axes labelling with logarithmic scales From: tobias.hoevekamp@ilw.agrl.ethz.ch Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 15:29:02 +0100 (MET) * PR# 1395 * Subject: mgp parameter in par() From: mh.smith@niwa.cri.nz Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 06:11:49 +0100 (MET) * PR# 1505 * Subject: pictex From: luchini@ehess.cnrs-mrs.fr Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 12:23:21 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 1654 * Subject: R 1.5.0: axis() does not honor the xaxp argument From: "Robert D. Merithew" Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 09:29:39 -0400 (EDT) * PR# 1659 * Subject: mtext() alignment of perpendicular text From: p.murrell@auckland.ac.nz Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 13:29:45 +1200 (NZST) * PR# 1878 * Subject: close.screen From: Martin.Schlather@uni-bayreuth.de Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 22:35:02 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 1933 * Subject: dev2eps() prints ticks with wrong length! From: Timur Elzhov Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 17:22:15 +0400 ..dev.copy problem * PR# 2069 * Subject: split.screen problem From: cbodily@att.net Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 19:37:40 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 2283 * Subject: Wandering usr values in par(no.readonly=TRUW) From: Jari Oksanen Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:50:44 +0200 * PR# 2630 * Subject: plot() with type="s" and lty=2 From: jerome@hivnet.ubc.ca Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 23:35:59 +0100 (MET) * PR# 4731 * Subject: persp - incorrect shading of triangular facets From: ihaka@stat.auckland.ac.nz Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 02:19:26 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 6758 * Subject: axis annotation issue From: dgrove@fhcrc.org Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 01:45:28 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 6763 * Subject: postscript image problem From: jonathan_lees@unc.edu Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 23:38:56 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7031 * Subject: vfont and title() From: "Warnes, Gregory R" Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 10:23:47 -0400 Directory: In-Out * PR# 1688 * Subject: Maybe a problem in binary read/write From: accot@free.fr Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 22:51:17 +0200 (MET DST) ..I don't think file() is said to work with devices! Directory: Installation * PR# 1222 * Subject: configure: sed: Function s%@PDFLATEX@%/usr/local/bin/pdflatex%g From: Peter Kleiweg Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 14:09:42 +0100 (CET) ..problem is on hppa2.0-hp-hpux10.20: may be HP-UX specific * PR# 1268 * Subject: Solaris 2.6 Compile From: gm81640@development.nssmb.com Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 06:28:26 +0100 (MET) ..Most likely a compiler installation problem * PR# 1291 * Subject: Installation problem : SunOS From: brendan_mcmahon@prusec.com Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 18:00:55 +0100 (MET) ..looks like gcc compiled under different OS version. * PR# 1500 * Subject: configure script fails on comment in tkConfig.sh From: Peter Kleiweg Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:41:51 +0200 (CEST) ..Looks like a conspiracy between a shell problem and an oddity in Tk 8.0 rather ..than an R problem. Good to know for the workaround though. The comment in ..TK_XINCLUDES has since disappeared, at least in Tk 8.3.3. * PR# 1658 * Subject: make install fails - index.html not found From: dhouston@bio.ri.ccf.org Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 22:14:07 +0200 (MET DST) ..Missing perl?? * PR# 1676 * Subject: R configure.in makes bad alpha assumptions From: mcmahill@mtl.mit.edu Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 19:21:09 -0400 (EDT) ..Probably fixed in 1.5.1 * PR# 1829 * Subject: R config failure on solaris From: "Siva Ginjupalli" Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 20:08:49 +0000 ..Missing info on R version and compilers. * PR# 2808 * Subject: building R 1.7.0 under RH7.3 From: Tim Hoar Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 13:16:16 -0600 (MDT) ..This is with foreign compilers * PR# 2878 * Subject: Problem with R CMD INSTALL and package versions From: rpeng@stat.ucla.edu Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 08:23:12 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 3282 * Subject: 1.7.1 make check fails From: "Richard A. O'Keefe" Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:31:21 +1200 (NZST) ..problem with tcltk--await further information * PR# 3485 * Subject: Undefined subroutine &R::Rdconv::fill From: michael.t.klinglesmith@intel.com Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 18:56:23 +0200 (MET DST) ..This was perl 5.004_4 * PR# 4314 * Subject: Re: [Rd] Bugs compiling R-1.7.1 with Intel compilers icc and ifc From: Kurt Hornik Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 20:28:51 +0200 * PR# 5536 * Subject: R 1.8.1 ./configure with "," in working directory From: Wolfram Fischer Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 10:19:16 +0100 ..Well, so users expect the earth * PR# 6482 * Subject: Installation From: a0108661@unet.univie.ac.at Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:51:04 +0100 (CET) ..Mandrake RPM installation problem. * PR# 6797 * Subject: R.spec From: joachim.geiger@ipp.mpg.de Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:51:40 +0200 (CEST) ..About the source RPM for 1.9.0 under RedHat 8.0. * PR# 6862 * Subject: Fortran compiler dependency missing in gentoo ebuild script From: mc@austrian-mint.at Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 16:45:01 +0200 (CEST) ..Gentoo Linux-specific problem * PR# 6896 * Subject: R with shared library support: 'make check' fails with unresolved symbol From: garvin@cs.rice.edu Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 23:38:53 +0200 (CEST) ..OSF1 Alpha, not detials of how install was done. ..Was R-admin actually read? Directory: Language * PR# 408 * Subject: convolution bug From: wsimpson@gcal.ac.uk Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 11:17:36 +0100 (MET) * PR# 412 * Subject: anomalies with call objects From: Peter Dalgaard BSA Date: 06 Feb 2000 01:18:50 +0100 * PR# 669 * Subject: Bug(s) w/ rbind.data.frame(); fix also read.table(*, as.is = TRUE) ? From: Martin Maechler Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:17:15 +0200 ..status of AsIs columns * PR# 1073 * Subject: Wierd problem comparing numeric values and list using == From: "Warnes, Gregory R" Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 22:07:41 -0400 ..see also PR#1076 * PR# 1076 * Subject: Re: [Rd] Wierd problem comparing numeric values and list using == From: John Chambers Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 08:44:22 -0400 ..part of PR#1073 * PR# 1186 * Subject: a patch to tapply From: Vadim Ogranovich Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 14:48:35 -0600 * PR# 1241 * Subject: Problem with "missing" in "local" From: J.C.Rougier@durham.ac.uk Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 13:34:34 GMT * PR# 1556 * Subject: lib.fixup, .GlobalEnv, and R1.5.0 From: mark.bravington@csiro.au Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 08:30:50 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 4051 * Subject: completeSubclasses() methods bug From: colin@colinsmith.org Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 22:15:26 +0200 (MET DST) ..methods package Directory: Low-level * PR# 989 * Subject: "[.data.frame" allows un-named 3rd subscript From: "Charles C. Berry" Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 13:13:46 -0700 (PDT) * PR# 1068 * Subject: Interrupts (was Re: [Rd] X11 protocol errors ...) From: Luke Tierney Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 19:32:51 -0500 ..see also followup in PR#1069 * PR# 1069 * Subject: Interrupts (was Re: [Rd] X11 protocol errors ...) From: "John W. Eaton" Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 21:56:33 -0500 ..part of PR#1068 * PR# 1880 * Subject: You requested this report From: Berwin Turlach Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 16:57:54 +0800 ..The bug is that we get as far as mkCLOSXP before an error is reported * PR# 2253 * Subject: [R] CTRL-C suspends echo of shell (R versions 1.6.0 and 1.6.1) From: Wolfram Fischer - Z/I/M Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 10:18:48 +0100 * PR# 4073 * Subject: Problem with S4 slots in C code From: Laurence Kell FM CEFAS Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 10:23:38 +0100 * PR# 4474 * Subject: Memmory Bugs From: "Eric R. Riehl" Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 14:30:57 -0400 (EDT) ..about use of enum for messages in errors.c * PR# 6617 * Subject: Regular expressions & large strings From: Mark White Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:27:18 +0000 ..Works on my (TSL) OS X and Linux machines ..Incorrect result confirmed on RH8.0 and segfault on Windows (BDR) ..The segfault is under a call to regexec: PCRE is not used. ..If perl=TRUE is included, this works, fast. * PR# 7022 * Subject: Bug in parse(text = ) From: Martin Maechler Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 09:19:32 +0200 * PR# 7027 * Subject: Problem with hasArg and the ... argument From: j.j.goeman@lumc.nl Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 11:12:27 +0200 (CEST) ..Problem is if sys.function() should be changed or its docs. See further ..discussion on R-devel. Directory: Macintosh * PR# 6903 * Subject: Memory Leak in OS X versions? From: dvanbrunt@well-wired.com Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 15:24:05 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 6940 * Subject: Crash in OSX From: murray.pung@studentmail.newcastle.edu.au Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 04:36:52 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7030 * Subject: input file and console command size limit From: jerome.mutterer@ibmp-ulp.u-strasbg.fr Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 09:00:36 +0200 (CEST) ..On R Aqua on MacOS X * PR# 7036 * Subject: Installation of R 1.9 on Mac OS X 10.3 From: deejemon@eudoramail.com Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 03:26:05 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7047 * Subject: DSTEIN error From: weigand.stephen@charter.net Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 05:09:36 +0200 (CEST) ..Mac OS X BLAS problem Directory: Misc * PR# 1126 * Subject: R-bug report www page whishlist From: jens.lund@nordea.com Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 18:24:29 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 1158 * Subject: bug.report()sends empty message From: Paul Gilbert Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 10:05:27 -0500 * PR# 1503 * Subject: R-GNOME From: Patrick Gonin Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 09:29:07 +0200 ..1) is not a bug, as jpeg etc work. capabilities() has been changed for 1.5.1 ..2) system() needs a new version for GNOME. * PR# 2644 * Subject: R CMD SHLIB uses foo.c instead of foo.cc if both are present From: faheem@email.unc.edu Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 19:47:55 +0100 (MET) * PR# 2645 * Subject: Re: [Rd] R CMD SHLIB uses foo.c instead of foo.cc if both are present From: Faheem Mitha Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 15:44:14 -0500 (EST) ..part of 2644 * PR# 2648 * Subject: Re: [Rd] R CMD SHLIB uses foo.c instead of foo.cc if both are present From: Kurt Hornik Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 21:32:55 +0100 ..part of 2644 * PR# 2656 * Subject: recursive default argument reference in debugger From: pburns@pburns.seanet.com Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:23:40 +0100 (MET) ..problem in debugger() * PR# 3646 * Subject: as.POSIXct Bug when used with POSIXlt arg and tz= arg From: Gabor Grothendieck Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 20:08:59 -0700 (PDT) * PR# 4364 * Subject: Re: [Rd] another dump/source problem? From: Ross Ihaka Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 07:45:41 +1200 ..dump somehow needs to recognize that expressions in lists ..probably need to be enclosed in quote(). .. ..S does exactly the same though * PR# 6799 * Subject: Re: [R] Unexpected behaviour of identical From: Peter Dalgaard Date: 20 Apr 2004 13:38:49 +0200 ..This case is fixed for 1.9.1. ..Whether identical should be so fussy is under consideration. Directory: Models * PR# 1861 * Subject: update() can not find objects From: yzhou@arcturusag.com Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 19:01:59 +0200 (MET DST) ..The problem is actually deeper than this. .. ..Sometime update() wants to evaluate arguments in the environment where the model ..was defined, as here. .. ..Sometimes it wants to use the current environment, eg this snippet from MASS ..ph.fun <- function(data, i) { .. d <- data .. d$calls <- d$fitted + d$res[i] .. coef(update(fit, data=d)) ..} * PR# 3671 * Subject: model.frame() call from inside a function From: Jerome Asselin Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 15:41:16 -0700 ..is this a bug? Directory: Startup none Directory: System-specific * PR# 848 * Subject: X11 device doesn't handle destroy events correcly From: Thomas Vogels Date: 13 Feb 2001 17:40:46 -0500 * PR# 1020 * Subject: .Call and Mandrake 8.0 From: lcottret@yahoo.fr Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 15:34:23 +0200 (MET DST) ..problem with symbol names only on Mandrake 8.0, not 7.2 ..needs reply to follow-up * PR# 1097 * Subject: R 1.3.1 fails 'make check' on arm in the Bessel example From: Dirk Eddelbuettel Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 23:54:19 -0500 ..This platform turned out to have badly broken FPU behaviour. Given up, at ..least for now . * PR# 1261 * Subject: R_140 AND RHL_72 AND Packages From: Patrick Gonin Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 13:25:17 +0100 ..Seems to relate to RH7.2 rpms * PR# 1272 * Subject: eigen segfault with GCC 3 on Solaris From: Paul Gilbert Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:14:33 -0500 ..Seems to be a problem with g77 in gcc 3.0.2 on Solaris only. ..Probably a compiler bug * PR# 1275 * Subject: compile problem with bessel_i.c on IRIX64 flexor 6.5 10100655 IP35 (uname -a) From: Walter Tautz Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:05:20 -0500 (EST) * PR# 1289 * Subject: R 1.4.0 build fails on AIX From: lio@hpss1.ccs.ornl.gov Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:10:30 +0100 (MET) * PR# 1316 * Subject: shared libraries on AIX From: lio@hpss1.ccs.ornl.gov Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 18:53:41 +0100 (MET) * PR# 1461 * Subject: make check fails d-p-q-r-tests.R - OpenBSD 3.0 From: Jason Turner Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:13:36 +0000 * PR# 1606 * Subject: hitting ^C breaks readline history From: Cyril Humbert Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 12:07:07 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 2730 * Subject: Re: Bug#187537: r-base: FTBFS: hangs in tcltk test From: Dirk Eddelbuettel Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 06:27:15 -0600 ..something obscure in debian: pbuilder is not part of R * PR# 2733 * Subject: Re: Bug#187537: r-base: FTBFS: hangs in tcltk test From: Daniel Schepler Date: 05 Apr 2003 14:06:09 -0800 ..part of 2730 * PR# 2736 * Subject: Re: Bug#187537: r-base: FTBFS: hangs in tcltk test From: Dirk Eddelbuettel Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 21:20:29 -0500 ..part of 2730 * PR# 2822 * Subject: "LAPACK routine DGESDD gave error code -12" with Debian From: Ramon Diaz Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 20:06:21 +0200 * PR# 2823 * Subject: Re: [Rd] From: Kurt Hornik Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 20:15:19 +0200 ..part of 2822 * PR# 2836 * Subject: R-1.7.0: build feedback: OpenBSD 3.2 From: "Nelson H. F. Beebe" Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 11:40:35 -0600 (MDT) * PR# 2837 * Subject: R-1.7.0 build feedback: NetBSD 1.6 From: "Nelson H. F. Beebe" Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 11:45:20 -0600 (MDT) ..PR#3979 is followup * PR# 2887 * Subject: tools/ldAIX4 Assumes AIX nm From: rgrubbfink@cox.net Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 22:24:34 +0200 (MET DST) * PR# 2888 * Subject: AIX 4.3.3 nm will not read all of dounzip.o From: rgrubbfink@cox.net Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 22:33:24 +0200 (MET DST) ..Looks like an AIX bug, not an R one. ..Other people have succeeded on AIX 5.1. * PR# 4295 * Subject: Bugs compiling R-1.7.1 with Intel compilers icc and ifc From: Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 11:26:09 +0200 * PR# 4459 * Subject: Redhat 7.2 gcc optimisation From: Paul Murrell Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 15:28:11 +1300 * PR# 6488 * Subject: R fails to build on AFS From: Atro.Tossavainen+rproject@helsinki.fi Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:40:27 +0100 (CET) ..insufficent information: what was the error message? * PR# 7062 * Subject: fedora core 2 + bitmap() + ghostscript From: Piers Dunstan Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2004 10:01:42 +1000 Directory: TooMuchAtOnce * PR# 7008 * Subject: dates From: gilescrane@doh.state.nj.us Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 22:18:41 +0200 (CEST) ..Nothing to reproduce here Directory: Windows * PR# 3234 * Subject: scan() crash in Windows 98 From: "Simon Fear" Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 12:09:38 +0100 ..Currently unreproducible * PR# 3644 * Subject: Windows 2000 Bug in GMT +/- n Timezones From: Gabor Grothendieck Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 20:06:49 -0700 (PDT) ..As it says, a Windows 2000 bug * PR# 3841 * Subject: end-of-loop-timeout problem and submit-bug-report output (resending) Subject: ess-mode 5.1.24; end of loop timeout Subject: Re: where should i increase ess-loop-timeout From: Scot W McNary From: Rich Heiberger Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 16:25:18 -0400 (EDT) Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 14:30:03 -0400 (EDT) ..Misdirected from ess-bugs? * PR# 4047 * Subject: File in use error From: oakeley@fmi.ch Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 11:06:16 +0200 (MET DST) ..Windows / R(D)COM / Bioconductor, probably the last. * PR# 4246 * Subject: creates directory that can't be deleted From: xiaobao_wang@yahoo.com Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 02:26:31 +0200 (MET DST) ..This is a Windows bug. * PR# 6742 * Subject: save image as postscript side-effect From: martin.noellenburg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 17:51:13 +0200 (CEST) ..This is saving from the windows() device menu. ..Not reproducible * PR# 6955 * Subject: strange apparently data-dependent crash with large data From: Tony Plate Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 10:57:26 -0600 Directory: incoming * PR# 5834 * Subject: bug-gdk error From: 9busova@st.fmph.uniba.sk Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:13:17 +0100 (CET) ..Problem with gnome GUI * PR# 6804 * Subject: Re: [R] Error message during debug From: Duncan Murdoch Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:15:05 -0400 * PR# 7039 * Subject: segfault in apply with "==" and double From: chabrier@toulouse.inra.fr Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 12:26:26 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7052 * Subject: Rd2txt bug From: "Dorer, David" Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 11:39:18 -0400 * PR# 7055 * Subject: Wrong object type produced - LANGSXP should be LISTSXP From: bauerda@ieee.org Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 20:25:04 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7068 * Subject: Bug in Make or configure: spaces in path From: williams.elliot@bls.gov Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 01:50:10 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7072 * Subject: Reproducible Rterm crash. From: "Richard M. Heiberger" Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 15:27:56 -0400 * PR# 7075 * Subject: read.table, read.fwf, and na.strings From: "Richard M. Heiberger" Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 17:21:01 -0400 * PR# 7082 * Subject: names in `getAnywhere' object don't match docs From: rpeng@jhsph.edu Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 23:36:05 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7083 * Subject: Re: [Rd] read.table, read.fwf, and na.strings From: "Richard M. Heiberger" Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 00:06:24 -0400 * PR# 7084 * Subject: text(x, y, labels) - recycling problems and RFC From: Martin Maechler Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 18:21:57 +0200 * PR# 7085 * Subject: $21446 From: "Leopoldo Rosado" Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 15:05:48 -0500 * PR# 7086 * Subject: umask problem From: Karel =?iso-8859-1?Q?Kulhav=FD?= Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 06:19:07 +0000 * PR# 7087 * Subject: S.pecial S.tock S.ituation - FCON From: "Santos Boone" Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 16:16:36 +0200 (CEST) * PR# 7088 * Subject: Re: [R] constrOptim and function with additional parameters? From: Duncan Murdoch Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:25:07 -0400 * PR# 7089 * Subject: Re: [R] constrOptim and function with additional parameters? From: "Roger D. Peng" Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:38:28 -0400 * PR# 7090 * Subject: Online notice From: "WebCamFan" Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 17:30:34 -0200 * PR# 7091 * Subject: tracing something in a namespace From: "Richard M. Heiberger" Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 15:32:59 -0400