DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ====================== Where to commit: ---------------- Every now and then, the discussion comes up about what can go in the r-patched (i.e. x.y.z with z >= 1). Here's a preliminary set of guidelines: DO fix simple bugs DO NOT fix bugs that require extensive modification DO NOT fix exotic bugs that haven't bugged anyone DO make small enhancements if they are badly needed DO NOT let one user decide what is badly needed DO fix configuration for broken platforms DO NOT break functioning platforms in the process DO NOT fix things that are not broken DO NOT restructure code DO NOT add experimental code DO NOT modify the API (unless absolutely sure it is buggy) DO NOT change defaults without a *very* good reason DO clarify documentation ONLY add or modify examples if needed for clarification DO NOT reword messages DO NOT modify regression tests (except if they were buggy) Be very careful in adding regression tests and consider using them in R-devel only at first. --- For r-devel i.e. what becomes x.y.0 releases only one rule seems necessary: DO NOT add code that cannot become reasonably complete by the next release. [Obviously none of the above rules are carved in stone, and all are subject to interpretation in actual cases.] Removing functions: ------------------- Making a function/feature defunct MUST happen at a minor (x.y.0) release. Deprecation CAN happen for a branch release. Deprecation MUST precede making something defunct. See ?Deprecated and ?Defunct for the practical mechanisms Testing ------- There is a hierarchy of test targets: see tests/README. It is recommended that make check-devel is run before committing code changes. Building with recommended packages: ----------------------------------- The current set of recommended packages for the current development version are placed in a subdirectory of CRAN/src/contrib. The instructions for building with recommended packages are as follows: 1) Go to the top directory of the source tree 2) run tools/rsync-recommended to populate $(top_srcdir)/src/library/Recommended 3) go to the top build directory 4) configure, make Configure will protest if you haven't fetched the recommended packages. To build without them, use path/to/configure --without-recommended-packages You can rerun tools/rsync-recommended later without reconfiguring; Make should find the new packages. If you have a local CRAN mirror, you can set the environment variable CRAN_RSYNC to point to that instead of to "make dist" will create the R-2.x.y tarball, with the src/library/Recommended directory already populated so [unpack, configure, make, make install] should work for end users. "make install" puts everything in place, including recommended packages. Detailed release schedule for 2.0.0: ------------------------------------ Sep 6: Declare start of release process. The build process is assumed to be essentially in place at this time. There is a "grand feature" freeze (minor tweaks can be applied, but no wholesale restructuring or API changes). Notice that wrapping a package in a namespace is a grand feature, and so is meddling with the event loop. Package maintainers should start adapting to any changes in base. Start making R-2.0.0-alpha.tgz packages automatically available. Sep 20: Feature freeze, simultaneously on base and recommended packages. It is assumed that all recommended packages pass their checks at this point. The API should not be touched. Start making R-2.0.0-beta.tgz packages automatically available. Sep 27: Code freeze. Only critical and/or trivial bugs fixed from this time onwards. Configure/make should only be touched in emergencies. Oct 4: Release.