; ess-roxy.el --- convenient editing of in-code roxygen documentation ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2009--2012 Henning Redestig, A.J. Rossini, Richard ;; M. Heiberger, Martin Maechler, Kurt Hornik, Rodney Sparapani, Stephen ;; Eglen and Vitalie Spinu. ;; ;; Author: Henning Redestig ;; Keywords: convenience, tools ;; ;; This file is part of ESS ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see ;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; Lots of inspiration from doc-mode, ;; http://nschum.de/src/emacs/doc-mode/ ;; ;; Features:: ;; ;; - basic highlighting ;; - generating and updating templates from function definition and customized default template ;; - C-c C-o C-o :: update template ;; - navigating and filling roxygen fields ;; - C-c TAB, M-q, C-a, ENTER, M-h :: advised tag completion, fill-paragraph, ;; move-beginning-of-line, newline-and-indent, mark-paragraph ;; - C-c C-o n,p :: next, previous roxygen entry ;; - C-c C-o C-c :: Unroxygen region. Convenient for editing examples. ;; - folding visibility using hs-minor-mode ;; - TAB :: advised ess-ident-command, hide entry if in roxygen doc. ;; - preview ;; - C-c C-o C-r :: create a preview of the Rd file as generated ;; using roxygen ;; - C-c C-o C-t :: create a preview of the Rd HTML file as generated ;; using roxygen and the tools package ;; - C-c C-o t :: create a preview of the Rd text file ;; ;; Known issues: ;; ;; - hideshow mode does not work very well. In particular, if ordinary ;; comments precede a roxygen entry, then both will be hidden in the ;; same overlay from start and not unfoldable using TAB since the ;; roxygen prefix is not present. The planned solution is implement ;; a replacement for hideshow. ;; - only limited functionality for S4 documentation. ;; this *is* enabled now via ess-mode-hook in ./ess-site.el ;;; Code: (require 'ess-custom) (require 'hideshow) (autoload 'Rd-preview-help "ess-rd" "[autoload]" t) ;; ------------------ (defvar ess-roxy-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (if ess-roxy-hide-show-p (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o h") 'ess-roxy-hide-all)) ;; short version (*first*: -> key binding shown in menu): (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o n") 'ess-roxy-next-entry) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o p") 'ess-roxy-previous-entry) ;; For consistency (e.g. C-c C-o C-h !): kept here *in* addition to above (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o C-o") 'ess-roxy-update-entry) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o C-r") 'ess-roxy-preview-Rd) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o C-w") 'ess-roxy-preview-HTML) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o C-t") 'ess-roxy-preview-text) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o C-c") 'ess-roxy-toggle-roxy-region) map) ) ;; (defvar ess-roxy-font-lock-keywords nil) (defvar ess-roxy-font-lock-keywords `((,(concat ess-roxy-re " *\\([@\\]" (regexp-opt ess-roxy-tags-param t) "\\)\\>") (1 'font-lock-keyword-face prepend)) (,(concat ess-roxy-re " *\\([@\\]" (regexp-opt '("param" "importFrom" "importClassesFrom" "importMethodsFrom") t) "\\)\\>\\(?:[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\)?") (1 'font-lock-keyword-face prepend) (3 'font-lock-variable-name-face prepend)) (,(concat "[@\\]" (regexp-opt ess-roxy-tags-noparam t) "\\>") (0 'font-lock-variable-name-face prepend)) (,(concat ess-roxy-re) (0 'bold prepend)))) (define-minor-mode ess-roxy-mode "Minor mode for editing in-code documentation." ;; :lighter " Rox" :keymap ess-roxy-mode-map (if ess-roxy-mode (progn (unless (featurep 'xemacs) ;; does not exist in xemacs: (font-lock-add-keywords nil ess-roxy-font-lock-keywords)) (if (and (featurep 'emacs) (>= emacs-major-version 24)) (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions 'ess-roxy-tag-completion) (add-to-list 'comint-dynamic-complete-functions 'ess-roxy-complete-tag)) (if ess-roxy-hide-show-p (progn ;(setq hs-c-start-regexp "s") (if (condition-case nil (if (and (symbolp hs-minor-mode) (symbol-value hs-minor-mode)) nil t) (error t) ) (progn (hs-minor-mode))) (if ess-roxy-start-hidden-p (ess-roxy-hide-all))))) (if ess-roxy-hide-show-p (if hs-minor-mode (progn (hs-show-all) (hs-minor-mode)))) (unless (featurep 'xemacs) (font-lock-remove-keywords nil ess-roxy-font-lock-keywords))) (when font-lock-mode (font-lock-fontify-buffer)) ;; for auto fill functionality (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-regexp) (setq adaptive-fill-regexp (concat ess-roxy-re adaptive-fill-regexp)) (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp) (setq adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp (concat ess-roxy-re adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp)) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) (setq paragraph-start (concat "\\(" ess-roxy-re "\\)*" paragraph-start)) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) (setq paragraph-separate (concat "\\(" ess-roxy-re "\\)*" paragraph-separate)) (add-hook 'ess-presend-filter-functions 'ess-roxy-remove-roxy-re nil 'local) ) ;; (setq hs-c-start-regexp ess-roxy-str) ;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'hs-c-start-regexp) ;; Function definitions (defun ess-roxy-beg-of-entry () "Get point number at start of current entry, 0 if not in entry" (save-excursion (let (beg) (beginning-of-line) (setq beg -1) (if (not (ess-roxy-entry-p)) (setq beg 0) (setq beg (point))) (while (and (= (forward-line -1) 0) (ess-roxy-entry-p)) (setq beg (point))) beg))) (defun ess-roxy-in-header-p () "true if point is the description / details field" (save-excursion (let ((res t) (cont (ess-roxy-entry-p))) (beginning-of-line) (while cont (if (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re " *[@].+")) (progn (setq res nil) (setq cont nil))) (setq cont (and (= (forward-line -1) 0) (ess-roxy-entry-p))) )res))) (defun ess-roxy-beg-of-field () "Get point number at beginning of current field, 0 if not in entry" (save-excursion (let (cont beg) (beginning-of-line) (setq beg 0) (setq cont t) (while (and (ess-roxy-entry-p) cont) (setq beg (point)) (if (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re " *[@].+")) (setq cont nil)) (if (ess-roxy-in-header-p) (if (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re " *$")) (progn (forward-line 1) (setq beg (point)) (setq cont nil)))) (if cont (setq cont (= (forward-line -1) 0)))) beg))) (defun ess-roxy-end-of-entry () " get point number at end of current entry, 0 if not in entry" (save-excursion (let ((end)) (end-of-line) (setq end -1) (if (not (ess-roxy-entry-p)) (setq end 0) (setq end (point))) (while (and (= (forward-line 1) 0) (ess-roxy-entry-p)) (end-of-line) (setq end (point))) end))) (defun ess-roxy-end-of-field () "get point number at end of current field, 0 if not in entry" (save-excursion (let ((end nil) (cont nil)) (setq end 0) (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (end-of-line) (setq end (point)))) (beginning-of-line) (forward-line 1) (setq cont t) (while (and (ess-roxy-entry-p) cont) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (setq end (point))) (if (or (and (ess-roxy-in-header-p) (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re " *$"))) (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re " *[@].+"))) (progn (forward-line -1) (end-of-line) (setq end (point)) (setq cont nil))) (if cont (setq cont (= (forward-line 1) 0)))) end))) (defun ess-roxy-entry-p () "True if point is in a roxy entry" (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re)))) (defun ess-roxy-narrow-to-field () "Go to to the start of current field" (interactive) (let ((beg (ess-roxy-beg-of-field)) (end (ess-roxy-end-of-field))) (narrow-to-region beg end))) (defun ess-roxy-fill-field () "Fill the current paragraph in the current roxygen field." (interactive) (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (save-excursion (let ((beg (ess-roxy-beg-of-field)) (end (ess-roxy-end-of-field)) (fill-prefix (concat (ess-roxy-guess-str) " ")) (beg-par (point-min)) (end-par (point-max))) (save-excursion (if (re-search-backward (concat ess-roxy-re " *$") beg t) (setq beg-par (match-end 0)))) (save-excursion (if (re-search-forward (concat ess-roxy-re " *$") end t) (setq end-par (- (match-beginning 0) 1)))) (fill-region (max beg beg-par) (min end end-par)))))) (defun ess-roxy-goto-func-def () "put point at start of function either that the point is in or below the current roxygen entry, error otherwise" (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (ess-roxy-goto-end-of-entry) (forward-line 1) (beginning-of-line)) (goto-char (car (ess-end-of-function))))) (defun ess-roxy-get-args-list-from-def () "get args list for current function" (save-excursion (ess-roxy-goto-func-def) (let* ((args (ess-roxy-get-function-args))) (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x '(""))) args)))) (defun ess-roxy-insert-args (args &optional here) "Insert an args list to the end of the roxygen entry for the function at point. if here is supplied start inputting `here'. Finish at end of line." (let* ((arg-des nil) (roxy-str (ess-roxy-guess-str))) (if (or (not here) (< here 1)) (progn (ess-roxy-goto-end-of-entry) (beginning-of-line) (if (not (looking-at "\=")) (progn (end-of-line)))) (goto-char here)) (while (stringp (car (car args))) (setq arg-des (pop args)) (unless (string= (car arg-des) "") (progn (insert (concat "\n" roxy-str " @param " (car arg-des) " ")) (insert (ess-replace-in-string (concat (car (cdr arg-des))) "\n" (concat "\n" roxy-str))) (if ess-roxy-fill-param-p (ess-roxy-fill-field)) ))))) (defun ess-roxy-merge-args (fun ent) "Take two args lists (alists) and return their union. Result holds all keys from both fun and ent but no duplicates and association from ent are preferred over entries from fun. Also, drop entries from ent that are not in fun and are associated with the empty string." (let ((res-arg nil) (arg-des)) (while (stringp (car (car fun))) (setq arg-des (pop fun)) (if (assoc (car arg-des) ent) (setq res-arg (cons (cons (car arg-des) (cdr (assoc (car arg-des) ent))) res-arg)) (setq res-arg (cons (cons (car arg-des) '("")) res-arg)))) (while (stringp (car (car ent))) (setq arg-des (pop ent)) (if (and (not (assoc (car arg-des) res-arg)) (not (string= (car (cdr arg-des)) ""))) (setq res-arg (cons (cons (car arg-des) (cdr arg-des)) res-arg)))) (nreverse res-arg))) (defun ess-roxy-update-entry () "Update the entry at the point or the entry above the function which the point is in. Add a template empty roxygen documentation if no roxygen entry is available. The template can be customized via the variable `ess-roxy-template-alist'. The parameter descriptions can are filled if `ess-roxy-fill-param-p' is non-nil." (interactive) (save-excursion (let* ((args-fun (ess-roxy-get-args-list-from-def)) (args-ent (ess-roxy-get-args-list-from-entry)) (args (ess-roxy-merge-args args-fun args-ent)) (roxy-str (ess-roxy-guess-str)) (line-break "") here key template tag-def) (ess-roxy-goto-func-def) (if (not (= (forward-line -1) 0)) (progn (insert "\n") (forward-line -1))) (if (and (not (looking-at "^\n")) (not (ess-roxy-entry-p))) (progn (end-of-line) (insert "\n"))) (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (setq here (1- (ess-roxy-delete-args))) (ess-roxy-insert-args args here)) (setq template (copy-sequence ess-roxy-template-alist)) (while (stringp (car (car template))) (setq tag-def (pop template)) (if (string= (car tag-def) "param") (ess-roxy-insert-args args (point)) (if (string= (car tag-def) "description") (insert (concat line-break roxy-str " " (cdr tag-def) "\n" roxy-str)) (if (string= (car tag-def) "details") (insert (concat line-break roxy-str " " (cdr tag-def))) (insert (concat line-break roxy-str " @" (car tag-def) " " (cdr tag-def)))) )) (setq line-break "\n") ))))) (defun ess-roxy-goto-end-of-entry () "Put point at the top of the entry at point or above the function at point. Return t if the point is left in a roxygen entry, otherwise nil. Error if point is not in function or roxygen entry." (if (not (ess-roxy-entry-p)) (progn (goto-char (nth 0 (ess-end-of-function))) (forward-line -1))) (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (goto-char (ess-roxy-end-of-entry)) t) (forward-line) nil)) (defun ess-roxy-goto-beg-of-entry () "put point at the top of the entry at point or above the function at point. Return t if the point is left in a roxygen entry, otherwise nil. Error if point is not in function or roxygen entry." (if (not (ess-roxy-entry-p)) (progn (goto-char (nth 0 (ess-end-of-function))) (forward-line -1))) (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (goto-char (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry)) t) (forward-line) nil)) (defun ess-roxy-delete-args () "remove all args from the entry at point or above the function at point. Return 0 if no deletions were made other wise the point at where the last deletion ended" (save-excursion (let* ((args nil) (cont t) (field-beg 0) entry-beg entry-end field-end) (ess-roxy-goto-end-of-entry) (setq entry-beg (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry)) (setq entry-end (ess-roxy-end-of-entry)) (goto-char entry-end) (beginning-of-line) (while (and (<= entry-beg (point)) (> entry-beg 0) cont) (if (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re " *@param")) (progn (setq field-beg (ess-roxy-beg-of-field)) (setq field-end (ess-roxy-end-of-field)) (delete-region field-beg (+ field-end 1)))) (setq cont nil) (if (= (forward-line -1) 0) (setq cont t))) field-beg))) (defun ess-roxy-get-args-list-from-entry () "fill an args list from the entry above the function where the point is" (save-excursion (let* (args entry-beg field-beg field-end args-text arg-name desc) (if (ess-roxy-goto-end-of-entry) (progn (setq roxy-str (ess-roxy-guess-str)) (beginning-of-line) (setq entry-beg (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry)) (while (and (< entry-beg (point)) (> entry-beg 0)) (if (looking-at (concat ess-roxy-re " *@param")) (progn (setq field-beg (ess-roxy-beg-of-field)) (setq field-end (ess-roxy-end-of-field)) (setq args-text (buffer-substring-no-properties field-beg field-end)) (setq args-text (ess-replace-in-string args-text roxy-str "")) (setq args-text (ess-replace-in-string args-text "[[:space:]]*@param *" "")) ;; (setq args-text ;; (ess-replace-in-string args-text "\n" "")) (string-match "[^[:space:]]*" args-text) (setq arg-name (match-string 0 args-text)) (setq desc (replace-regexp-in-string (concat "^" (regexp-quote arg-name) " *") "" args-text)) (setq args (cons (list (concat arg-name) (concat desc)) args)))) (forward-line -1)) args) nil)))) (defun ess-roxy-toggle-roxy-region (beg end) "Remove prefix roxy string in this region if point is in a roxy region, otherwise prefix all lines with the roxy string. Convenient for editing example fields." (interactive "r") (unless (use-region-p) (error "region is not active")) (ess-roxy-roxy-region beg end (ess-roxy-entry-p))) (defun ess-roxy-roxy-region (beg end &optional on) (save-excursion (let (RE to-string (roxy-str (ess-roxy-guess-str))) (narrow-to-region beg (- end 1)) (if on (progn (setq RE (concat ess-roxy-re " +?")) (setq to-string "")) (setq RE "^") (setq to-string (concat roxy-str " "))) (goto-char beg) (while (re-search-forward RE (point-max) 'noerror) (replace-match to-string)) (widen)))) (defun ess-roxy-preview () "Use a (possibly newly) connected R session and the roxygen package `ess-roxy-package' to generate the Rd code for entry at point, place it in a temporary buffer and return that buffer." (let ((beg (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry)) (tmpf (make-temp-file "ess-roxy")) (roxy-buf (get-buffer-create " *RoxygenPreview*")) (out-rd-roclet (cond ((string= "roxygen" ess-roxy-package) "make.Rd2.roclet()$parse") ;; must not line break strings to avoid getting +s in the output ((string= "roxygen2" ess-roxy-package) "(function(P) { if(compareVersion(paste(packageVersion('roxygen2')), '3.0.0') < 0) { ..results <- roxygen2:::roc_process(rd_roclet(), parse.files(P), \"\");cat(vapply(..results, FUN.VALUE=character(1), function(x) { roxygen2:::rd_out_cache$compute(x, format(x))})) } else {..results <- roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), readChar(P, file.info(P)$size));cat(vapply(..results, format, FUN.VALUE = character(1))) } })") (t (error "need to hard code the roclet output call for roxygen package '%s'" ess-roxy-package)))) ) (if (= beg 0) (error "Point is not in a Roxygen entry")) (save-excursion (goto-char (ess-roxy-end-of-entry)) (forward-line 1) (if (ess-end-of-function nil t) (append-to-file beg (point) tmpf) (while (and (forward-line 1) (not (looking-at "^$")) (not (looking-at ess-roxy-re)))) (append-to-file beg (point) tmpf)) (ess-force-buffer-current) (ess-command (concat "print(suppressWarnings(require(" ess-roxy-package ", quietly=TRUE)))\n") roxy-buf) (with-current-buffer roxy-buf (goto-char 1) (if (search-forward-regexp "FALSE" nil t) (error (concat "Failed to load the " ess-roxy-package " package; " "in R, try install.packages(\"" ess-roxy-package "\")")))) (ess-command (concat out-rd-roclet "(\"" tmpf "\")\n") roxy-buf)) (delete-file tmpf) roxy-buf)) (defun ess-roxy-preview-HTML (&optional visit-instead-of-browse) "Use a (possibly newly) connected R session and the roxygen package to generate a HTML page for the roxygen entry at point and open that buffer in a browser. Visit the HTML file instead of showing it in a browser if `visit-instead-of-browse' is non-nil." (interactive "P") (let* ((roxy-buf (ess-roxy-preview)) (rd-tmp-file (make-temp-file "ess-roxy-" nil ".Rd")) (html-tmp-file (make-temp-file "ess-roxy-" nil ".html")) (rd-to-html (concat "Rd2HTML(\"" rd-tmp-file "\",\"" html-tmp-file "\", stages=c(\"render\"))")) ) (with-current-buffer roxy-buf (set-visited-file-name rd-tmp-file) (save-buffer) (kill-buffer roxy-buf)) (ess-force-buffer-current) (ess-command "print(suppressWarnings(require(tools, quietly=TRUE)))\n") (if visit-instead-of-browse (progn (ess-command (concat rd-to-html "\n")) (find-file html-tmp-file)) (ess-command (concat "browseURL(" rd-to-html ")\n"))))) (defun ess-roxy-preview-text () "Use the connected R session and the roxygen package to generate the text help page of the roxygen entry at point." (interactive) (with-current-buffer (ess-roxy-preview) (Rd-preview-help))) (defun ess-roxy-preview-Rd (&optional name-file) "Use the connected R session and the roxygen package to generate the Rd code for the roxygen entry at point. If called with a non-nil `name-file' (e.g. universal argument C-u), also set the visited file name of the created buffer to facilitate saving that file." (interactive "P") (let ((roxy-buf (ess-roxy-preview))) (pop-to-buffer roxy-buf) (if name-file (save-excursion (goto-char 1) (search-forward-regexp "name{\\(.+\\)}") (set-visited-file-name (concat (match-string 1) ".Rd")))) (Rd-mode))) (defun ess-roxy-guess-str (&optional not-here) "guess the prefix used in the current roxygen block. If `not-here' is non-nil, guess the prefix for nearest roxygen block before the point" (save-excursion (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (goto-char (point-at-bol)) (search-forward-regexp ess-roxy-re)) (if not-here (search-backward-regexp ess-roxy-re))) (if (or not-here (ess-roxy-entry-p)) (match-string 0) ess-roxy-str))) (defun ess-roxy-hide-block () "hide current roxygen comment block" (interactive) (save-excursion (let ((end-of-entry (ess-roxy-end-of-entry)) (beg-of-entry (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry))) (hs-hide-block-at-point nil (list beg-of-entry end-of-entry))))) (defun ess-roxy-toggle-hiding () "Toggle hiding/showing of a block. See `hs-show-block' and `ess-roxy-hide-block'." (interactive) (hs-life-goes-on (if (hs-overlay-at (point-at-eol)) (hs-show-block) (ess-roxy-hide-block)))) (defun ess-roxy-show-all () "Hide all Roxygen entries in current buffer. " (interactive) (ess-roxy-hide-all t)) (defun ess-roxy-hide-all (&optional show) "Hide all Roxygen entries in current buffer. " (interactive) (hs-life-goes-on (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward (concat ess-roxy-re) (point-max) t 1) (let ((end-of-entry (ess-roxy-end-of-entry))) (if show (hs-show-block) (ess-roxy-hide-block)) (goto-char end-of-entry) (forward-line 1)))))) (defun ess-roxy-previous-entry () "Go to beginning of previous Roxygen entry. " (interactive) (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (goto-char (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry)) (forward-line -1))) (search-backward-regexp ess-roxy-re (point-min) t 1) (goto-char (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry))) (defun ess-roxy-next-entry () "Go to beginning of next Roxygen entry. " (interactive) (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (progn (goto-char (ess-roxy-end-of-entry)) (forward-line 1))) (search-forward-regexp ess-roxy-re (point-max) t 1) (goto-char (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry))) (defun ess-roxy-get-function-args () "Return the arguments specified for the current function as a list of strings." (save-excursion (let ((args-txt (progn (ess-beginning-of-function) (buffer-substring-no-properties (progn (search-forward-regexp "\\([=,-]+ *function *\\|^\s*function\\)" nil nil 1) (+ (point) 1)) (progn (ess-roxy-match-paren) (point)))))) (setq args-txt (replace-regexp-in-string "#+[^\"']*\n" "" args-txt)) (setq args-txt (replace-regexp-in-string "([^)]+)" "" args-txt)) (setq args-txt (replace-regexp-in-string "=[^,]+" "" args-txt)) (setq args-txt (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n]+" "" args-txt)) (split-string args-txt ",")))) (defun ess-roxy-match-paren () "Go to the matching parenthesis" (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1)) ((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1)))) (defun ess-roxy-complete-tag () "complete the tag at point" (let ((token-string (thing-at-point 'symbol))) (when (and token-string (string-match "@.+" token-string)) (comint-dynamic-simple-complete (replace-regexp-in-string "^@" "" token-string) (append ess-roxy-tags-noparam ess-roxy-tags-param))))) (defun ess-roxy-tag-completion () "Completion data for emacs >= 24" (when (save-excursion (re-search-backward "@\\<\\(\\w*\\)" (point-at-bol) t)) (let ((token (match-string-no-properties 1)) (beg (match-beginning 1)) (end (match-end 1))) (when (and end (= end (point))) (list beg end (append ess-roxy-tags-noparam ess-roxy-tags-param) :exclusive 'no))))) (defun ess-roxy-remove-roxy-re (string) "Remove the `ess-roxy-str' before sending to R process. Useful for sending code from example section. This function is placed in `ess-presend-filter-functions'. " (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (replace-regexp-in-string ess-roxy-re "" string) string)) (add-hook 'ess-presend-filter-functions 'ess-roxy-remove-roxy-re nil) (defadvice ess-eval-line-and-step (around ess-eval-line-and-step-roxy) "evaluate line but do not skip over comment (roxy) lines" (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (let ((simple-next t)) ad-do-it) ad-do-it)) (defadvice mark-paragraph (around ess-roxy-mark-field) "mark this field" (if (and (ess-roxy-entry-p) (not mark-active)) (progn (push-mark (point)) (push-mark (1+ (ess-roxy-end-of-field)) nil t) (goto-char (ess-roxy-beg-of-field))) ad-do-it)) (defadvice ess-indent-command (around ess-roxy-toggle-hiding) "hide this block if we are at the beginning of the line" (if (and (= (point) (point-at-bol)) (ess-roxy-entry-p) 'ess-roxy-hide-show-p) (progn (ess-roxy-toggle-hiding)) ad-do-it)) (defadvice fill-paragraph (around ess-roxy-fill-advise) "Fill the current roxygen field." (if (ess-roxy-entry-p) (ess-roxy-fill-field) ad-do-it)) (defadvice move-beginning-of-line (around ess-roxy-beginning-of-line) "move to start" (if (and (ess-roxy-entry-p) (not (looking-back (concat ess-roxy-re " *\\=")))) (progn (end-of-line) (re-search-backward (concat ess-roxy-re " *") (point-at-bol)) (goto-char (match-end 0))) ad-do-it)) (defadvice newline-and-indent (around ess-roxy-newline) "Insert a newline in a roxygen field." (cond ;; Not in roxy entry; do nothing ((not (ess-roxy-entry-p)) ad-do-it) ;; Point at beginning of first line of entry; do nothing ((= (point) (ess-roxy-beg-of-entry)) ad-do-it) ;; Otherwise: skip over roxy comment string if necessary and then ;; newline and then inset new roxy comment string (t (let ((point-after-roxy-string (save-excursion (forward-line 0) (move-beginning-of-line nil) (point)))) (goto-char (max (point) point-after-roxy-string))) ad-do-it (insert (concat (ess-roxy-guess-str t) " "))))) (provide 'ess-roxy) ;;; ess-roxy.el ends here