## -*- mode: R -*- ## loading code which is first sent to R on remote sessions local({ curver <- '%s' ## MM: ok for Windows? ## VS: Should be fine (who is using win remote anyways?) .c.dir <- '~/.config/ESSR' verfile <- file.path(.c.dir, 'VERSION') envfile <- file.path(.c.dir, 'ESSR.rda') ver <- if(file.exists(verfile)) scan(verfile, what = "string") else "0.0" tryCatch({ if(ver < curver) { url <- paste('http://vitalie.spinu.info/ESSR/ESSR_', curver, '.rda', sep = '') if(!file.exists(.c.dir)) dir.create(.c.dir, recursive = TRUE) utils::download.file(url, envfile) cat(curver, file = verfile) } load(envfile) attach(ESSR) print(TRUE) } , error = function(e) print(FALSE)) })