-*- text -*- ($Revision: 1.1 $) ESS: Running an ESS Subprocess which is ELSEWHERE. ================================================== M-x ESS-elsewhere will prompt you for the language you'd like to run. You need to provide it _EXPLICITLY_ (at least until we figure out a good completion mechanism, sigh...). No extraneous spaces, no extraneous whatever. Type it exactly. Now, since the prompt is "wrong", you need to switch to the correct buffer; there might be a "time-out" by the process waiting for a correct prompt. The correct prompt will never appear. I promise. Unless you've got a weird setup. Now, you need to switch to the correct buffer. This would be *R...*, or *S...*, or *Stata...*, etc, depending on the language. Use: C-x C-b to switch. Now you should see a Bourne (or Bash) shell prompt (...$). Log in to the machine you want, and start up the corresponding process, i.e. telnet my-machine-with-R.com (log in). R and then you are off and running. It'll be cleaned up. I promise.