### Makefile - for DOCUMENTATION (./doc) of ESS distribution. ### ## Before making changes here, please take a look at Makeconf include ../Makeconf # program to convert .texi{nfo} to .html #MM: use makeinfo (i.e. MAKEHTML from above) which is more #-- standardized than texi2html which exists in #MM at least two widely differing versions (TeX vs GNU): #MM TEXI2HTML = LANG=C texi2html -verbose -iso #MM SPLITCHAP = -split_chapter -menu -glossary ## TEXI2DVI = LANG=C texi2dvi TEXI2PDF = LANG=C texi2dvi --pdf # To obtain sorted indices run: "texindex ess.??". #### no user servicable parts beyond this point #### TEXISRC = announc.texi authors.texi bugrept.texi bugs.texi bugs-ms.texi \ credits.texi currfeat.texi ess.texi ess-defs.texi getting.texi \ help-s.texi help-sas.texi inst_svn.texi installation.texi \ license.texi mailing.texi onewfeat.texi news.texi onews.texi \ newfeat.texi readme.texi requires.texi stabilty.texi help-bugs.texi \ help-jags.texi allnews.texi Makefile ../Makeconf ../VERSION ESSINFONODE1='* ESS: (ess).' ESSINFONODE2=' Emacs Speaks Statistics' ESSINFONODE3=' (S/S+/R, SAS, BUGS, Stata, XLisp-Stat).' ### Targets -- PDFs = ess.pdf readme.pdf refcard/refcard.pdf DVIs = ess.dvi readme.dvi TXTs = ../README ../ANNOUNCE ../NEWS ../ONEWS all : info text html dvi pdf docs : info text html info : info/ess.info text : $(TXTs) html : html/ess.html html/readme.html html/news.html dvi : $(DVIs) pdf : $(PDFs) ps : ess.ps readme.ps ess.dvi : $(TEXISRC); $(TEXI2DVI) ess.texi ess.pdf : $(TEXISRC); $(TEXI2PDF) ess.texi ess.ps : ess.dvi; LANG=C dvips $^ -o $@ readme.dvi : $(TEXISRC); $(TEXI2DVI) readme.texi readme.pdf : $(TEXISRC); $(TEXI2PDF) readme.texi readme.ps : readme.dvi; dvips $^ -o $@ cleanaux: -@rm -f *.aux *.cp *.cps *.fn *.fns *.ky *.kys *.log *.out \ *.pg *.pgs *.ps *.ps-2 *.tmp *.toc *.tp *.vr *.vrs ## this shall remove *exactly* those things that are *not* in version control: clean: cleanaux -@rm -f $(DVIs) $(TXTs) $(PDFs) info/*.info* html/* ## this removes also things in VC (svn, when they are remade by "make"): distclean : clean # -@rm -f $(PDFs) ../README: $(TEXISRC) -$(MAKETXT) readme.texi \ | perl -pe 'last if /^Concept Index/;' > $@ # | perl -pe 'last if /^Concept Index/; print "For INSTALLATION, see way below.\n\n" if /^\s*ESS grew out of/' \ ../ANNOUNCE: $(TEXISRC) -$(MAKETXT) announc.texi \ | perl -pe 'last if /^Concept Index/;' > $@ README.Microsoft : README.Microsoft.texi $(MAKETXT) README.Microsoft.texi \ | perl -pe 'last if /^Concept Index/;' > $@ ../NEWS: Makefile ess-defs.texi newfeat.texi news.texi -$(MAKETXT) news.texi > $@ ../ONEWS: Makefile ess-defs.texi onewfeat.texi onews.texi -$(MAKETXT) onews.texi > $@ ### File Dependencies info/ess.info: $(TEXISRC) ../VERSION @echo "making Info documentation..." -$(MAKEINFO) ess.texi mv -f ess.info info/ install: install-info install-other-docs install-info : info/ess.info -$(INSTALLDIR) $(INFODIR) $(INSTALL) info/ess.info $(INFODIR) test -f $(INFODIR)/dir || $(INSTALL) dir.txt $(INFODIR)/dir grep $(ESSINFONODE1) $(INFODIR)/dir || \ (echo >> $(INFODIR)/dir; echo 'Emacs' >> $(INFODIR)/dir; \ echo $(ESSINFONODE1) $(ESSINFONODE2) >> $(INFODIR)/dir; \ echo $(ESSINFONODE3) >> $(INFODIR)/dir) install-other-docs: pdf html -$(INSTALLDIR) $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) ess.dvi ess.pdf readme.dvi readme.pdf ../README ../ANNOUNCE $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) html/ess.html html/readme.html html/news.html $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) refcard/refcard.pdf $(DOCDIR) uninstall : -cd $(DOCDIR) && $(UNINSTALL) ess.dvi ess.pdf readme.dvi readme.pdf README ANNOUNCE -cd $(DOCDIR) && $(UNINSTALL) ess.html readme.html news.html -cd $(DOCDIR) && $(UNINSTALL) refcard.pdf ## TO DO: ess_toc.html & readme_toc.html should be merged into index.html html/ess.html: $(TEXISRC) @echo "making HTML documentation..." mkdir -p html -$(MAKEHTML) html/ess.html ess.texi #MM $(TEXI2HTML) $(SPLITCHAP) ess.texi #MM test -d ess && cp -p ess/ess_toc.html html/index.html || cp -p ess_toc.html html/index.html #MM test -d ess && mv -f ess/*.html html || mv -f *.html html html/readme.html: $(TEXISRC) -$(MAKEHTML) html/readme.html --no-validate readme.texi ## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (design bug: "FIXME" in ess.texi) #MM $(TEXI2HTML) readme.texi # mv -f readme.html html html/news.html: $(TEXISRC) mkdir -p html -$(MAKEHTML) html/news.html allnews.texi refcard/refcard.pdf: refcard/refcard.tex (cd refcard ; pdflatex refcard)